Tuesday 18 August 2015

Tears (Part 2)

He shifted from one foot to another, he regained his composure and said "you really look radiant and beautiful" normally I would have been flattered but coming from you, all I see is insincerity laced all over" she replied, “Common Michelle, for how long would you treat me this way, this divorce has drained me, am not myself any longer, I want you back please, I want you back into my life, I need....." before he could finish " hey! Stop it right there, Lana please go upstairs, daddy and I need to talk alone okay" "okay mommy" her face was drawn she didn't understand why are parents always argued, she walked slowly “Lana! Walk smartly" her pace increased, once she was out of sight Michelle resumed " Mark I have had enough of your lies, your cheating, your beating, this divorce has healed so many physical scars" he stepped closer, put both hands on her shoulders, his eyes darkened with remorse "Michelle I love you, I can't be with any other, I promise to treat you right this time" she gently took his hands off, she touched underneath her left eye, there was a black patch there, she tilted her head to the side and touched a scar, her eyes welled with hot tears, she unbuttoned her blouse, took it off and was left with her black bra, he looked at her in amusement and wondered what she would do next, his eyes shifted from her face to her skin, it was so flawless, she turned her back towards him He saw a dark scar he made with his belt when he came back drunk, she turned to face him again "Do you know the greatest scar you made on me, he shook his head, she touched the left side of her chest "my heart, you have created a huge scar there" she wore her blouse, walked towards the door Opened it " Mark, get out of my life", he fell to his knees, his hands clasped together "Michelle there is nothing and no one out there for me, please don't kick me out of your life like this, I promise to be a better man, husband and father" "Do you how many times you beat me in front of Lana, do you know how many times she cried when you hit me, do you remember that she stopped crying at a point because she saw it as a normal thing, I don't want my daughter to see it as a normal thing, because it's freaking abnormal, now when I say get out I mean it with every fiber In me”. His face changed, he got up and moved briskly towards her, her heart skipped, she swallowed, he got to the door and slammed it shut, held her wrist firmly, she winced, " you are going to be with me whether you like it or not" Am never going to be with a monster like you Mark" her pitch increased, a stinging slap landed across her face suddenly, it made her ear ring, her free hand involuntarily touched her cheek, the hot sensation still lingered, before she could utter any protest he twisted her hand to the back, she whimpered "Mark please let go of my arm" " not until you accept me back " " I would never do that" she struggled to break free, but he held her tight. His eyes became blank, he threw her to the floor, repeatedly kicked her, a kick got to her left ribs, she screamed, he dragged her up, held her throat firmly, she was out of breath, " Michelle are you coming back to me" he asked husky in a voice. " Mark I am never going back to a mad man" He got extremely angry, pushed her to the floor, ripped her blouse open, flung it aside, his eyes filled with a dark desire, he tore off her bra, her full breast in full glare. She struggled but he pinned her down firmly, one hand held her hands, the other rested on one breast, he tried to kiss her but she shook her hand vigorously, that got him pissed, he pinched her nipple so hard it brought tears to her eyes. A tap on his shoulders made him stop He turned to see a face with no expression " daddy please leave mommy alone " he got up and pushed her, she fell but quickly stood up without uttering laid next to her sobbing mom " you look like your whore mother, I have nothing to do with whores". He took the banquet of white roses flung it at them and stormed out, banging the door so hard, the house seemed to shake. Lana gently wiped the tears from her mother's face with her palm, Michelle pulled her closer, wrapped her arms around her "am sorry you had to see this honey ". Mommy let's leave this place, "We will honey, we will very soon ".She placed her palm on her throbbing nipple to calm the painful sensation.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Tears (Part 1)

She sat down on a couch looking troubled and sober, she looked around her surrounding and noticed the paint on the wall coming off gradually, the ceiling fan made a creaking sound, and she could hear the clock tick. She looked down and saw her hands tremble slightly; she got up and walked towards the windows, pulling the curtain aside.
With everything that has happened in her life, she sat down beside her child and gently stroked her hair, she wanted her precious gem to have a better life, she slipped into deep thoughts as she continuously stroked her hair. The room became illuminated, it seemed to have blinded her for a minute, she sighed and walked towards the bed, admiring her child sleeping peacefully, she envied her, she wanted that peace, but how could she? "mommy" the soft voice brought her back " yes darling" " why are you crying " she touched her face and noticed tears trickling down, quickly she wiped it off and smiled broadly "am not crying honey, something got into my eyes ". She looked at her daughter and for the first time saw herself, she had a slim structure, hey eyes were deep brown, her nose well carved it complimented her oval face, her lips small but perfect, her hair long thick and black, her skin colour was perfect, she wasn't black neither was she white, she was just her complete replica She held her jaw and kissed her forehead " you are beautiful " Lana giggled "thanks mommy" She was reeking of so much innocence, Michelle prayed silently that her innocence would not be taken away from her brutally.
A knock at the door, made Lana jump to her feet, ran down stairs, she knew the rhythm of that knock, she knew who stood at the door, she got there and pulled the door impatiently and shouted "daddy" as she jumped on him. Michelle followed her with a frown on her face, he gently puts Lana down and walked towards her, he smiled and that smile pissed her off greatly. He was good looking; he was all she ever wanted as a young girl, his height, his lips, his nose, his eye, broad shoulders and thick voice. He wore a black shirt, a blue denim jeans and a pair of black sneakers, his perfume filled the room, he looked really attractive, an attractiveness that made him cheat, have continuous late nights, come home reeking of alcohol and turned her to his punching bag. She was so in love with him then that she ignored the animal in him. Everything about him now annoyed her. In his right hand he held a bouquet of white roses, he confidently extended it to her but she did not reach for them her face showed so much displeasure.