Wednesday 30 December 2015

Lethal Bride - (Part 3)


She stamped her feet hard when she discovered he had disappeared, she moved quickly, her eyes were swift to scan the place; she aggressively ran her hands through her hair. She has never disappointed Easton and she was not starting now. She felt someone touched her, she turned to see a beaming face of a lady, “good evening miss Crystal”, “evening”, she tried to force a smile, damn she didn’t want any sort of delay whatsoever and this was beginning to annoy her. “This is my first time in this club and I loved every word that came out of you, you sang like an angel, and the way you danced was angelic I must confess”. Crystal was in no mood for flattery but tried not to disappoint the lady who seemed really excited to meet her in person”, “ermmmmm, I’m glad you loved my song, I hope you come here often. I’m really in a hurry now, trying to catch up with someone”. The lady nodded and watched Crystal walk away.
She searched everywhere, she was already getting pissed when she saw the rear of a man wearing a white jacket and walking towards the exit, she smiled and hastened her pace, she wasn’t going to lose him. She got outside to see him leaning on a pillar, smoking a cigarette, one hand in his pocket, the other held the stick of cigarette between his lips, he exhaled so much smoke through his nostrils and little came out through mouth, he seemed distant. She walked slowly towards him like a lioness that just saw dinner. She got to his side and took the cigarette from him and placed it between her lips, pouted her lips and blew out smoke. He smiled.
“The famous Crystal, beautiful and elegant. This night is going to be great with you by my side”.
“oh yea, I’m not going to make it just great, I would make it unforgettable”, she flirted with him for a while before whispering in his ears “come, this night won’t be complete without you getting laid”, she pulled him by the collar, he drew in one last smoke and exhaled, threw the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it, the followed her, hoping for the best night in his life. As she led him to where he hoped he would get bliss, the images of her mom came to her, she could hear her dad begging for his wife, she could feel the terror that engulfed the house, she heard men laugh without sympathy. That night before the attack, her dad wasn’t himself, he behaved odd like he knew something bad was coming. While they were settled eating dinner, an unusual silence hovered around the house and it disturbed her, but she ignored it and kept eating, her dad barely touched his food. After dinner there was a terrible bang at the door that seemed to shake the house. Her mother looked at her dad in terror, “I thought they said they were coming next week”, he looked at his wife with so much guilt, there was so much apologies in them, he pulled her close and kissed her forehead, “honey take crystal and hide, I will face them on my own and can’t risk your lives, I caused this, let me handle it myself”, her mother took her arm and took her into the room and told her to roll under the bed and stay there, “but dad said we should hide together” she was already visibly shaking with fear, her mom kissed her cheek, “its our duty to protect you, just remain here, after everything is done, we will come and get you, promise me you would stay here please”, “I promise mom”. Her mom stood up, she watched her mom’s legs as she left the room and closed the door. After all went silent she waited for a long time before she realized her parents were never going to come and tell her everything was fine and it is okay to come out. She crawled out from under the bed and went in search for her parents.
What she saw made her scream, suddenly she was orphaned by brutal men she never saw, she shook with terror, she touched the faces of her parents to see if there was any life remaining in them. She remembered crying so intensely that day, she didn’t believe she had lost the only people she had in life, she ran outside and called for help, she got the attention of few people as they all got in and gasped in horror simultaneously, an ambulance was called and they were taken to the hospital she went along with them and her parents were confirmed dead. The next day, the bodies of her parents were missing. The doctors and nurses were thrown into confusion. She was devastated; she went back home to grief and waited for a call that would tell her the bodies were found. As she got closer to the house she saw two men circling the house, they looked suspicious and fierce. That was the last time she went back home, she never got the call and never went back home. She was scared they would come for her too. That was a long time ago.
She led Hector to an alley. He looked confused, “is this where you want to do it?”, she smiled and pushed him against the wall, placed her lips on his and kissed him, he circled his arms around and pulled her closer, his breath already labored. She withdrew from his embrace; he wondered why she withdrew so quickly, when he saw her looking into her purse he smiled thinking she was going to pull out a condom. But her hand came out with a gun, he was shocked “what is that for?” she had a devilish smile on her face “you really stressed me today, made me kill another person. Anyway it’s worth it, I have you now”, she pulled the trigger, he fell to the ground, as blood gushed out from his chest. She turned to go but she heard him say “bitch”, she turned round to see him trying to crawl, she took out her gun and this time aimed for his head. “You are the bigger bitch bastard”, she walked away feeling fulfilled, now she can face Easton boldly, and regain her reputation for not missing a target.
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Tuesday 29 December 2015

Lethal Bride - (Part 2)


The admiration for her beauty in the mirror was distracted by a familiar scent, she turned round to see his face, he looked a little older than when she met him eight years back. He always had an intimidating aura but she got over it and became comfortable in his presence.
“You were magical back there, a goddess I must say. You wrapped everyone in your embrace and didn’t let go until you finished”. She saw a twinkle in his eyes as he spoke.
“Thank you and I’m sure you clapped the loudest” she smiled. He threw his hands
“Of course who would have clapped the loudest if not me”.
“Oh yea, I could hear your distinct clap, a different rhythm from the way others jammed their palms together” they both laughed. “Come here my darling”, his arms outstretched, she walked towards him like a little school girl. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ears “I am proud of you”. He freed her and kissed her forehead “I want you to help me to something”
“What is it? I am always ready”. He looked deep into her eyes, “there is only one man wearing a white jacket in there. I want you to go back there and take his breath away”
She tilted her head and pressed her lips together “how is that going to happen without raising dust”. He shoved his hands in his pockets and brought a little bottle and handed it over to her, she tightened her lips as she opened the bottle, she saw red pills, closed it back and looked at him “how?”, “just slip it into anything he is drinking”. She nodded, he faced the exit then he turned to look at her “I trust you to do the job well, no mistakes” she nodded and watched him disappear.
She braced up and took quick deep breathes. She was already used to erasing people for him. At eighteen she had her first kill. She was really scared but felt she owed him a huge debt for remolding her life. He dropped her off in front of a house.
“He lives alone. Go in there and take him out. And remember your target practice. No mistakes, I will be waiting here”. She got down from the car and counted her steps until she got to the door. She could feel the hardness of the weapon around the waist line of her trouser. She rang the door bell and she heard sluggish footsteps. The door opened. His sight frightened her, he towered her, and had a disgusting odour around him. Her breathe seized.
“What can I do for you young lady?”. He was tipsy and looked disheveled.
“I came to take you out”. She spoke boldly, shielding her tremendous fear.
“Oh no honey, I am not going anywhere with anybody, so scurry off and find a man of your size, I’m too old for you miss”.
“I don’t mean that”, she reached out for the pistol given to her by Easton, “I mean this”. He smacked his palm against his forehead, “what did I ever do to you?”
“You did nothing”, and wasted no time in releasing the bullet. It wasn’t loud, it had a mild sound but it took a life. She met for it to hit his head, but it went through his neck. His eyes widened, he touched his neck and looked at his palm, it was all bloody. He looked at her, his eyes wide with shock. “Why did you kill me”. He touched her face and fell, life went out of him.
She remembered standing there looking at her first victim, shaky and guilty. She smelt the blood on her face. Her grip eased on the gun. She didn’t hear the sound of the gun fall, then she realized Easton was beside her. “I killed him” she said weakly.
“Yes, because I asked you. He was a threat to me, so I had to kill him”.
“No you made me do it”. He sighed and pulled her close. He pushed the body back into the house and shut the door. He held her hands and felt the coldness. She remembered having nightmares of the man’s face, she couldn’t sleep properly, she was scared his ghost would haunt her. She rolled and tossed on the bed for hours until dawn.
She put the pills into her purse, took one last look at her appearance in the mirror, then walked out majestically, taking each step with poise. She got into where the people were gathered and the scanned for the man on white jacket. She spotted a man with the description, chatting with people around him, laughing heartily, unaware of what was coming for him, she rested her eyes on him for few seconds before taking steps to her mission. Half way from reaching him, she spotted another man on white, sitting alone and sipping slowly from a glass, lost in his own thoughts. She stopped, confused. She looked at both men and wondered who more of a target to Easton looked. She decided the man sitting alone was his target. She walked towards him; and hoped she made the right decision. She got stares of admiration from people.
She slipped beside him and touched his arm. “hey”, he looked at her in amusement and smiled. “I must be in heaven, the elegant and beautiful Crystal is sitting beside me, I don’t deserve this”, she smiled flashing her beautiful set of teeth.
“I’m flattered. Why are you alone”,
“I am not, you are here now, can I get you a drink?”
“No, I would share with you” she already had a pill between the index and middle fingers. He handed her his glass, she took it and sipped. “So how did you start singing”, he tried to engage her in a conversation. As she answered him her fingers released the pill into his drink and waited for it to dissolve. She handed the glass back to him. “I need to go now”, she stood up, but he held her wrist. “everybody knows your name here, but you don’t know theirs’, can I tell you mine?”, “sure”, she replied, “I am Dickson”, “it’s a pleasure meeting you Dickson”, she walked away without turning back. In no time the pill started taking effect. He began to sweat profusely, his hands shook, he didn’t understand what was happening to him, he went into the rest room, turned on the tap and sprinkled water on his face. He felt something trickle down his nose, he touched it and saw blood, he gasped, he started turned pale, fell down and convulsed to his death.
She got into her dressing room, and met Easton holding a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. He smiled as she got closer.
“Were you successful?”
“Of course, I have never missed a target”.
“What did the brute say his name was?”
“Wait! What!”
“He said his name was Dickson”, she repeated, she went further to say he was with no one and sat alone, but she did see another man on white crowded with people and really lousy and didn’t see that kind of person as a target. The bottle dropped from his hand, along with the glasses.
“You got the wrong man on white Crystal, His name is Hector and he is lousy”. She got irritated.
“You should have told me about his attributes, instead of just pushing me out there without proper briefing”. He frowned. “this is no time for throwing blame, go back there and take him out now”, he voice slightly raised, he took out a gun from his pocket “use it if you must”. She took it from him and went away with a determination of not missing her target again.
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Saturday 26 December 2015

Lethal Bride - (Part 1)

Reminiscence :

Graceful and with poise she walked towards the stage set for her. So many eyes followed her in anticipation. Her gold shoes hit each stair gently as she climbed. Her long red dress glittered so much, she held the microphone, her wrist wore a gold bracelet, her manicured red painted nails were perfect. She opened her mouth to sing, a soft and beautiful voice emitted from her, her voice was as beautiful as she was. She spread out her arms as she sang, the instruments played added more beauty to her beautiful and soulful song, she swirled round slowly as if possessed by the song that came out of her, her gold long earrings danced along with her. Her audience watched trapped in her stronghold, they watched her every move, listened to every word, the song illuminated their hearts, they marveled at her beauty and uniqueness. She ended the song with a long drag of her voice. Screams, roaring applauds were heard. She placed her hand on her chest and bowed a little with a radiating smile that exposed her well arranged teeth. She climbed down just the way she climbed up. She had been working as a singer in this exquisite club for a long time and was always nervous each time she wanted to sing, but always ended up having a crowd loving her more. As she walked towards the dressing room glimpses of the past took over her thoughts. At sixteen she was homeless, and sat down on the ground close to a church, she hoped for rescue, but none came, she was looked at as filth and as though she deserved what she got. The cold made her teeth knock against each other, she had knocked on doors, but at the sight of her they jammed their doors shut, no one wanted a stranger in their home let alone a haggard looking girl. Then a day came, a black car with tinted glasses stopped, the driver got down and opened the door, a man came out with sympathy exuding from him, the hunger that ravaged her made her vision blurry but she felt his genuine kindness. He walked to her slowly and stretched his hand to touch her face, she looked at him hoping for help, “my name is Easton, come with me let me give you a better life”, she didn’t bother to argue, she held his hand and got up, all she thought about was food. She turned to him “I’m hungry”, he smiled and led her to the car, he got in after her and shut the door firmly. The car stopped in front of what looked like a castle. He led her through a long corridor, left and right stood elaborate mantle pieces. She walked slowly, he was patient, and made sure his steps were equal to hers’. She caught sight of the living room but didn’t bother to take a close look, her head hung as she leaned on his body for support. He led her up each stair. He pushed open a door and led her into a peaceful room, the air seemed clearer, she inhaled and exhaled weakly. He made her sit on the bed, but her body couldn’t withstand a sitting position, she slumped on the bed and shook with hunger. She heard him say “get her something to eat now!” with urgency in his voice. Few minutes later, food was brought, her body seemed to energize as soon has she knew there was food, she got up to a sitting position smartly. The tray was placed on her lap, she devoured the food in split seconds, consumed lots of water and tried to hold back a loud belch, but it came out much louder than she expected. She politely apologized as the tray was taken off her lap. She turned to look at Easton “thank you”, he gave her a warm smile, she laid down feeling better than when she came, she just felt sleepy. “What’s your name?”, “Crystal”, he urged her to sleep then placed a thick blanket on her. “This is your new home”, she smiled and drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep. That was eight years ago.

Every time she remembered how Easton took her off the streets, she was always thankful. She was lucky to be alive. She got into the dressing room, sat down and retouched her face with a little make up.

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