Monday 29 February 2016

Lethal Bride - (Part 19)

“ what truth?, look Mister this man was harassing me and I had to put him in his place. Why are you following me?”
“Miss Crystal, I am doing my job and I would go an extra mile to get the culprits. Have a splendid day ahead” with that he turned to the opposite direction and walked away.
“this guy gives me the chills” she shook her head and continued jogging. She was ready for anybody who tried to harass her again. She stopped and faced home.
She’s home to him sitting in the sitting room. His eyes closed and his head thrown back, his face seemed peaceful. She got closer to him, squatted and touched his arm slightly
“hey”. He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at her. “How was your work out?”, he asked, she remembered her encounter with the lunatic over weight man and the detective, but she simply said her work out was fine, excluding the details.
“you look great, why bother about a workout anyway. Many girls would kill to have such a body”. She blushed a little, “don’t flatter me Easton”
“it’s not flattery, I mean it. Anyway concerning the detective, I have stopped the investigation on the three of you. So you won’t have any trouble with any cop or detective”
“how did you do it?”, he smiled “I have my ways”
“you keep saying that. What exactly did you do?”
“I have insiders everywhere; people in top places helping me to sort my cases. I’m sorry about not doing my homework well; I don’t know how I messed things up. But my erasers are on it right now”, he held her palm and used his other palm to pat her, “now go and freshen up then eat breakfast. And before that, help me check the back of the house to see if the sprinklers have been put on”. She nodded.
Easton watched her as she left, he felt a little bit guilty, he wondered how life was for her without her parents before he picked her up, she was so used to him already and knew she was dedicated to her work to please him because he picked her up from the street and took her into his home. He shut his eyes and inhaled and exhaled slowly. The sound of his cell phone ringing jolted him out of his thoughts; he picked it up and pressed it against his ear.
“Mr Easton” came the voice from the other end,
“Has is it be done?”
“Yes sir”
“Good. So there would be no disturbance from anybody?”
“Yes sir”
“Alright then. Thank you” he ended the call and resumed his reminisce. His thoughts roamed through so many things, his childhood and his father. His father was a hard man, a man who just wanted perfection and was pissed if that wasn’t reached. Little Easton then was always scared of his father and quivered at the sound of his footsteps. Sometimes his closet was his refuge anytime his dad was angry. Finally he found a place by the side of his dad, his tolerance increased. Sometimes he wished he had his father’s perfection but shoved it aside, he kept to his philosophy, life would be boring with perfection, colours are needed, black and white would be dull.
He opened his eyes and looked around him, everything was just where he wanted life to be, he was doing well, better than what his father did, he proved to his dad that he wasn’t that clumsy little boy he knew. His thoughts took over his whole consciousness that he didn’t see the maid standing with a tray of breakfast in her hand, she called his name the third time.
“Mr Easton”, he blinked his eyes severally and looked at her, “what is it?”
“your breakfast is ready sir”
“alright, take it to my room please”
“ok sir”, she walked smartly up to his room. He combed through his hair with his fingers and got upstairs. He loved his dad and always wanted to impress him, make him to be a proud dad, as far as he knew, he was doing that. As he opened the door what he saw shocked him to his bone marrows, his maid was on fours on his bed, clad with nothing, she wore her hair down, as soon as she saw him she got up and wrapped one arm around him, let the other hand to roam his chest. He feet stood fixed to the ground, he didn’t believe what was happening, he closed and open his eyes and still saw her there, her lips had merged with his. This time he got himself and pushed her away.
“what the hell are you doing?, do you still want to work here?” she came closer and tried to seduce him again, “come on sir, I know you what this, just do this It wouldn’t affect anything between us”. Her voice which he knew to be pitchy, was suddenly calm, beautiful and seductive. His breathing became labored when her hand played around his belt. Warning bells were ringing in his head, he wanted to push her out of his room and relieve her of her duty in the house, but he was weak. The scent of her skin played around his nostrils. She wasn’t a really pretty lady, but with what he saw, her body was perfectly molded. He swallowed hard. She drew his head down so his lips could come over hers, he resisted for a while, but lost strength later. He succumbed to her and found himself returning her kiss. Slowly his hand went round her body and pulled her closer, he was already drowned in her sea when he heard his name.
“Easton”, Crystal called his name sharply, standing with her eyes wide at the door. He pulled his head away from the maid quickly and looked at her, his eyes were still darkened with desire. The maid was full of guilt and shame, she knew the consequences, Easton would regain his senses and push her out of the house with maximum support from Crystal, she quickly rushed to the bed and started wearing her clothes.
“Easton, what do you think you are doing. Have you lost it?” Crystal asked. He had no words, he sighed and watched the maid quickly wear her clothes and leave. The maid rushed out without daring to look at the face of Crystal.
“how could you stoop so low Easton”. He ran his fingers in his hair and slumped on the bed. He had nothing to say. Crystal left him alone and went in search of the maid.
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Saturday 20 February 2016

Lethal Bride - (Part 18)


Francesca frowned “what do you mean by you just saw Bruce”, with a quivering voice Crystal answered “the guy who tricked me to his house and tried to kill me, before Easton came and rescued me”.
“What! Are you sick. Do you believe in ghosts. Come on! Crystal grow up and let’s go home”, Crystal frowned and felt disappointed in Francesca’s unbelief.
“I mean it, I am not hallucinating anything, I just saw Bruce, I swear it, believe me please, I swear I saw him”, Francesca shook her head. “Maybe you took the wrong wine and it’s messing with your head”. Francesca pulled her along and they got to the van to see Reuben waiting, “what the hell kept you guys long”,
“she claimed she saw Bruce”
“okay! That’s sick and way out of line, how is that even possible, she shot him in the head according to her” Reuben said.
“ I swear I saw him, believe me”. They both shook their heads simultaneously. “you need lots of milk and sleep” Francesca said and helped her into the van. Crystal put her head between her legs until they got back home.
She laid on her bed and closed her eyes, all she could see was the face of the man she murdered. She tossed and turned but the face kept coming back. She kept telling herself “maybe he had a twin, or it was just a mere look alike”. She had nightmares that he shot her in the head just the way she shot him, she called out to Easton in each of her dreams but he stood with his arms crossed, having an evil smile on his face and not moving an inch to her rescue. Each time she would scream and wake up sweaty and each time Easton would come to her room and check her and she would narrate the dream to him over and over again and each time he would reassure her that he got her back and would never do anything to hurt her and each time she would smile as he kissed her on her forehead. But life with the haunting face was becoming unbearable, she wanted free air she needed to be away from lonely places especially her room, she needed to take control of her life again. She got up from her bed and walked slowly to her window and opened it. The morning breeze grazed the smoothness of her skin, she closed her eyes and inhaled the freshness of dawn. She changed into her workout clothes and got her ear piece on. She got downstairs and saw Easton with his hands shoved in his pocket standing with three people, two dressed in police uniform and a man wearing mufti.
“What’s happening here?” she asked with curiosity.
“Errrm, they are asking of you, Reuben and Francesca”
“why?”, A painting was missing at the party you attended, they found your finger prints in some parts of the house and needed an explanation on why you guys got into the party without being invited coupled with the missing painting on the wall”. Crystal simply shrugged and placed her earpiece back on, “I simply got to the party invited by a friend, when I got to the door with my friends, we didn’t see any body at the door to boss us out so we simply got in”.
“Do you know anything about the tranquilized guards at that house” the guy on the mufti asked, she pulled out her ear piece and blinked severally and placed her hand on her chest, “do I look like somebody that can hurt a fly. By the way, who are you?”
“I am detective Bernard”. She moved towards him until her chest grazed his, until he could smell her breathe, her lips almost touched his. His heart skipped and he lost sensible thinking for a while, “detective Bernard, you have come to the wrong place, it’s a shame that the criminal is out there, swimming in the wealth of the painting he or she stole and you are here accusing innocent people. I think you need a direction or maybe a Gps for you to know the right route detective. I need to go out now and get the morning breeze on my skin as I jog”. She pulled away and placed back her earpiece and walked out. An awkward silence swept through everyone as she left, the detective was flustered. Easton had a hidden smile on his face.
“you see gentlemen, I told you that this place is the wrong place to look for a thief. We don’t steal, we are very honorable people, just do all you can to catch the thief. I am sure there are other prints you found”
“sure we have other prints, but the thing here we found their prints on the fake Antique, that needs an explanation”. Easton removed his hands from his pocket “it’s simple. The picture got their attention and they admired the work and touched it, because when they came back, they told me about the work and told me how beautiful it looked”;
“yes, that could be true, but according to some people who pointed out Reuben to be the one who caused a distraction in the middle of a party in the name of giving a toast. When I thought about it, I realized it could have been a distraction for the Antique to be exchanged with the fake one, besides the prints of Crystal and Francesca are full on both sides of the fake Antique” the detective said showing more confidence.
“I don’t know where you are taking this to, but I am telling you the truth, we have nothing to do with it. Take a good look at my home, and my cars parked outside, do we look like beggars or thieves, we work hard to earn a decent living”, this time he talked with his arms folded.
“if I may ask, what kind of job are you involved in?”
“I am a business man”,
“what kind of business?”
“none of your business, I have answered all your questions. Stop pressuring me because you won’t find anything you are looking for here. Please leave my house, take your dumb cops with you”.
“very well Mr. Easton, we will leave. Thank you for sparing your precious time with us”. With that they left his house. He went to the window and watched them hop into their car and sped off. His thoughts were already on how he would erase all evidence that would implicate him and his faithful wards. He had all the connection he needed. All he needed to do was to make a phone call and wire some amount into another account. He brought out his cell phone and dialed.
“I need you to help me clear their names and take away all evidence, make everything go away, close the case. I would pay two hundred thousand dollars”. He ended the call. He rubbed his temple and winced, he had headache. He went up to his bathroom and took aspirin. His cell phone rang.
“make it three thousand” the male voice from the other end said
“two-fifty” Easton tried to negotiate
“done”. Easton ended the call. He had to protect them, protecting them means protecting himself.
Crystal jogged with ‘Bad blood by Taylor Swift’ blasting in her ears. She tried to shut his face away from her mind eyes, but it kept coming. She took the next bend. Her hair packed into a ponytail swayed left and right as she jogged. A car slowed down next to her, but she didn’t pay any attention to it, until the window was wound down, she saw an over weight man holding a donut in his right hand beaming at her. “you’ve got a nice butt ma’am. I could take you out for a date some time”. She heard him but not clearly and stopped, he stopped moving too, she took off her ear piece
“what did you say?”
“I said you you’ve got a nice butt and I could take you out for dinner some time”. She smiled and bent down so her face could enter into the car. “could you give me the honor of coming out of your car”, he smiled sheepishly and clumsy got out of his car and slammed the door shut. She folded her arms “who do you think I am?”
“ a gorgeous lady with a drop dead body”. As soon as he finished his statement she punched him directly on his nose, and swiftly used her knee to hit his groin hard. He fell to the ground writhing in pains as blood dripped from his nose.
“Next time you see a gorgeous lady on the street, mind your business pig”. She gave him one last kick on his bulging stomach.
“I thought you said you couldn’t hurt a fly, but you have beaten a man twice your size”. She turned round to see the detective.
“Detective Bernard, what are you doing here?”
“I am trying to find out the truth”.

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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Lethal Bride - (Part 17)

She sat down heavily on the bed and ruffled her hair a bit. She heard a little noise at her door, her eyes went to the base of the door, she saw someone’s shadow, her eyes moved up and she saw the knob of her door move. For some reason she got scared a little and feared the face she would see would be the face of Bruce haunting her. The door opened and Easton’s face peered in, “errr, I forgot something. Please dress up nicely, we have a guest”, she frowned
“male or female”
“female”. She smiled “a special someone or just a friend”.
“does it matter”
“of course it does. I want to know who my boss has fallen in love with”. He shook his head, “you know that wouldn’t happen anytime soon. So please just come down and dine with us. Don’t forget to be polite”. With that, his face disappeared and her door was closed again. She made a funny face at the door and slumped on the bed
At 6pm she slipped into a red mini gown, her feet wore gold flat shoes, she packed her hair into a high bun, she wore a diamond stud earrings. She looked at her right wrist, it felt empty, she pulled out a silver bracelet from her jewelry box and wore it. She looked at it lovingly and remembered her mother. The lifeless body of her mom came to her head with blood spilling from her mouth. She remembered before the bodies of her parents were taken into the ambulance she pulled out the bracelet from her mom’s wrist quickly.
She slammed the jewelry box shut and inhaled. She pushed the thoughts of her parents away from her head and walked out of her room, down to where she was waited for. As she stepped downstairs she heard the laughter of a female, she got curious and increased her paced. Immediately she got into the dinning room she saw a blonde laughing with a glass of wine in her hand and using the other to play with his beard. She cleared her throat loudly.
“oh! Hello” came the friendly voice of the beautiful blonde, “we have been waiting for you”, Easton got up and pulled a chair out for her, and gestured for her to join them. In a way Crystal hated the loud attractiveness of the blonde. She sat down right across the blonde and looked at the properly laid out table. She didn’t feel hungry she just respected Easton. Easton cleared his throat, “Crystal, this is Alicia, my special friend friend”,
“hello”, Alicia was quick to respond. Crystal ignored her and turned to Easton, “I don’t understand the meaning of special friend. Does she mean anything to you or just a friend you screw when you are bored”. He felt embarrassed, he wasn’t expecting her to behave and sound rudely. He covered it up by laughing, by this time Alicia’s face had lost it’s sparkle, she dropped her glass down and glared at Crystal, Crystal in turn glared at her.
“Easton you can’t sit there and watch her insult me”, Alicia got disappointed that he didn’t say anything about Crystal’s behavior.
“Alicia darling don’t let her bad mood to disturb, she had a rough day today that’s why she’s like this”
“Easton she is indirectly calling me a whore, didn’t you hear what she said”. Crystal got up and looked at Alicia straight in the eye “sorry for ruining your dinner for you”, she took up her own plate and stomped out. Easton watched her in total confusion, before turning to assure Alicia that the rest of the evening would be a pleasant one and excused himself to check on Crystal.
He tapped on her door softly before going in. He met her lying in a foetal position, “Crystal, what was that back there?, why did you behave like that?. She got up and looked at him,
“I’m sorry Easton, I just lost it back there. I’m not just in the right frame of mind. Please help me tell her I’m sorry. Go back to her and have a wonderful evening don’t let me ruin it for you”. He sighed and closed the door. All she thought about was her new mission.
A week passed, her most anticipated day came. Rueben and Francesca were downstairs waiting for her, all dressed in black leather clothing, black hand gloves, with different pistols hiding in their clothes. Easton became impatient, he wondered what kept Crystal from coming down at the specific time given to her. Finally they heard her running down the stairs. As soon as she came in sight, they all burst in laughter; she was wearing a ninja regalia.
“seriously Crystal, you must be high on something really strong”, Francesca said still laughing.
“for Christ sake, go and change into something more befitting for the occasion, we not samurai’s” Easton pleaded. Crystal kept a straight face and went up slowly to change into another outfit.
On getting to the house, they saw cars parked everywhere; they got closer to the house to see what was happening. To their amazement a party was going on, most of the men wore a tuxedo and the women did their best to reveal all their curves with the clinging dresses they wore. Crystal mouth dropped, how the hell were they going to steal the painting? Without raising an alarm dressed the way they were. Rueben dialed Easton’s number on his cell phone, “boss, there is a problem”
“what is it?”
“there is a party going on here, the house is parked full to what I see, very wealthy personalities are here.” Easton kept mute for a while.
“you guys, come back and dress for the occasion”
“okay”. Rueben relayed the information, Crystal frowned
“I don’t like parties like this”
“you just sounded like a party popper”, Francesca laughed.
They got back to their black van and Easton drove on a top speed back home. They changed into expensive dinner wears, wore colognes that smelt rich. Both women wore light makeup. Rueben looked handsome in his grey tuxedo.
“now, we are ready to crash a party” Rueben laughed. They all rushed back to the van to find Easton standing with a large square wooden board in his hand. They looked curious.
“what’s that?” Crystal was quick to ask the question. Easton smiled.
“you know as your boss, I am smart with a very high Intelligence quotient”. He turned the board towards them, they all gasped. “You stole the painting already”, Rueben sounded very shocked.
“no I didn’t dumbass, Its just a replacement. Once you steal the painting, you replace it with this; no one would spot the difference. Now go and don’t ask me how I did it, I always have ways”.
Rueben took it from him and rushed into the van, Crystal and Francesca got into the van and pulled it shut. As they drove back to the party, Crystal told them to find a way through the back of the house, so that it would be easy for them to carry the replacement in. As soon as they got to their destination they wasted no time to execute their plans. Francesca and Rueben carried the replacement while Crystal walked briskly in front of them holding a tranquilizer gun. Every guard she saw got tranquilized. Soon they were at the back of the house, she tried to open but it was stuck, she looked at Rueben and smiled
“Ruby, can you help me please, I don’t want to destroy my expensive shoes, and it’s worth a fortune”. He shook his head and dropped the replacement gently with Francesca supporting it. Crystal stepped back as Rueben kicked the door open.
“Yaay, my hero”, Crystal teased. They got into what seemed like a store. They dropped the replacement there and walked in majestically to join the party. Waiters stood at strategic places, each of them held a tray with wine glasses filled with wine. They decided to split up but within an eye range. They blended in their different position, laughing and starting up a conversation but looking out for any human and digital threat. Soon when they thought everything was cleared, they gave themselves signals to meet at the store room.
“you and Crystal remove the painting and hang the replacement, I would cause a distraction, please be quick about it, after it’s done, we disappear” Easton instructed. They nodded and got to work. He got back to the party and looked for a perfect spot to stage distraction. He got a spot and cleared his voice. “ ladies and gentlemen”, no one paid any attention to him, he cleared his throat again and raised his voice so high.
“ladies and gentlemen”, most people turned to look at him, he smiled, “I am here to give a toast to a wonderful host, it’s a beautiful party, filled with delicious menu, a spacious and a beautiful home. He has been a very good friend to me” murmuring started and he could hear few giggles especially from the women, one was bold enough to talk
“It’s a she not a he”, he felt a little embarrassed but laughed about it “of course I know I was just teasing, she is a strong woman”. He raised his glass up and everyone followed “we toast to a happy life” the sound of clicking glasses were heard he looked around for Crystal and Francesca, he saw them giving him the OK sign, it was time for them to leave. He was about to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned round to see a woman of about sixty years of age, “who are you young man, I have never seen you before”, his palms became cold. He cleared his throat, “I came here with a friend ma’am, I just wanted to put a little life, I saw people in different clusters, like there was a division between them, just wanted to unite them by giving a toast”, she smiled and gave a pat on his back, “thank you”, she walked away slowly. He walked away briskly; he got to where Crystal and Francesca were. He placed his arms on their shoulders; he raised his eyes to the painting on the wall, “damn! No one would spot the difference”. A man brushed Crystal shoulders mistakenly and couldn’t utter any form of apology. She got annoyed and pushed Rueben’s arm from her shoulders and followed the man, his legs were longer than hers’ so she had to walk faster to keep up with him. Finally she closed the gap and tapped him on his back,
“Hey mister, don’t you have manners”, the man turned around, when she saw his face she felt like drowning at that instant. “Bruce!!! You died”, he looked confused and squeezed his eyebrows “who is Bruce?. Sorry miss, you got the wrong person”, he walked away from her quickly. She kept staring and didn’t move until she heard Francesca voice, “what is it?”
“I just saw Bruce”.
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Monday 8 February 2016

Lethal Bride - (Part 16)

She nodded, he opened the door for her, she mouthed “thank you” and got in. All the way home shivers ran down her spine, she would have died in the hands of a man seeking vengeance but Easton always came to her rescue. She looked at him and smiled secretly, she felt secure around him. Soon she dozed off.
Easton tapped her slightly on her arm, “hey, wake up, we are home”, her eyes opened slowly to meet his smiling eyes; she smiled a little and mouthed “thank you”. She got out of the car and walked slowly into the house. Her thoughts shifted to Bruce, how on earth could he trick her like that? She felt like a fool and swore under breathe never to fall a victim of deceit again. She heard Easton’s steps behind her, she turned round “thank you for saving me”, he frowned “you have said this a thousand times already, it’s my job to make sure you are okay, you’re like a sister to me”. She moved closer to him, kissed him on his right cheek and gave him a tight hug, he returned the embrace and kissed her on her forehead. “but remember I am your boss, so step away”, he teased, “yes sir”, she stepped back and faced the direction to her room. He watched her leave before answering the phone that had been vibrating in his pocket for a long time. It was Scarlet. He loved his sister so much. They never really got along when they were kids, but as they grew older, the bond increased. He loved his niece Ella too and sometimes hoped she wouldn’t end up like them; he wished a normal life for her. They talked on and on until he heard Ella’s voice in the background, “let me talk to my beautiful niece”,
“hello” came the little angelic voice of Ella,
“hello, precious one, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine. Uncle mommy told me that my nanny is staying with you, is that true?”, he paused for some few seconds, it dawned on him that his little niece was already attached to Crystal. “Yes honey, she lives with me, but right now, she has to rest, she had a rough day”,
“okay, tell her I said hi”, she sounded disappointed. After he spoke to scarlet for a few seconds he ended the call and walked briskly to Crystal room. He tapped on the door.
“Come in”, he got in to meet her staring out of her window.
“is everything okay?”
“yea, why?”
“you look dampened”
“Oh! the thought of almost dying today freaks me out a little”. He smiled.
“anyway, I have a message from somebody” she looked interested suddenly
“Ella”, her face lit up brighter, “really?”
“yea, she said I should tell you hi”, Crystal smiled, “in a way she is always on my mind I miss her, especially the way she smiles. What else do you want to tell me?” he cleared his throat. “ I just came to spur you up on your next mission”, she laughed, he looked confused, “okay! Why are you laughing, nothing is funny”. She stopped laughing suddenly, “I want to be a Ninja in this mission”. His mouth hung open, his eyes showed total bewilderment, then he busted into a long laughter “ you must be joking, what do you know about ninjas”. She didn’t join in the laughter. “ I am serious Easton, I have been doing some research about them”,
“oh really”, he feigned interest in what she was saying. “yes”, “tell me more”, he urged with a smirk on his face. She took out a paper out of a nearby drawer and started reading out.
“ a ninja don’t play sport, unless killing is the sport, a ninja can fight skillfully with any object, a ninja wears headbands, a ninja can live in a house secretly for days, a ninja can hide in incense smoke, a ninja always land on their feet, ninjas can crush golf balls with just two fingers, a ninja can catch bullets with their teeth, a ninja can……..”, his loud laughter disrupted her reading.
“you must be kidding me. So all these things you have mentioned you can do them”,
“yes, I have been taking lessons”.
“online”, he busted into another fit of laughter. She had a straight face on; she sincerely didn’t see anything funny in what she was saying. He noticed her serious face and forced himself to stop laughing, but a smile was still dancing around his face. “So you intend on dressing up like a ninja on the day of the mission”, “yes”.
“hmmmm, I see. I can’t wait to see you dress up like a ninja and do all the things you just read out”, he shook his head “you are funny”. He dipped his hand into his pocket “I hope you would be down for dinner today, atleast leave your room and dine with me today”
“okay”. He opened the door and walked out, shutting the door slightly. As soon as he left, she rolled her eyes and sighed heavily, she felt stupid for telling him about her ninja idea.
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Lethal Bride - (Part 15)

She opened her eyes and tried to move but couldn’t, she raised her head up to meet his gaze, she wanted to hit him but noticed her hands were tied behind her, her mouth was sealed with a tape, her legs were also tied and she was sitting on a chair. She glared at him; he had a smile playing on his face.
“The mighty queen is trapped on a single chair, how delightful!” he got up and circled her, he held a little kitchen knife in his left hand carelessly, “you are putting up a fearless face but I know deep inside you is a scared little cat, what happened to that tiger that pulled the trigger of her gun and killed an innocent soul and walked away in victory. I watched you that night, I thought you were just flirting with my brother I never knew you had an evil agenda up your sleeves to take what’s left of my family, I watched you lead him away, I thought you guys wanted to make out or something, I never knew you were dragging him to his death. I watched you come back alone but I didn’t suspect anything, hours later his body was found. I should have called the police, I should have handed you over to the police but changed my mind, that would be too easy, you are wealthy and well connected everything can easily be swept under the carpet so I waited and watched you with vengeance in my heart, the day I spinned you around was the day I wanted to kill you but I let you go, it wasn’t the right time so I waited and waited and watched your every move, now I have you in my palm so I could do what the hell I want with you”, he laughed with so much pain in his heart, his eyes were filled with liquid but tried hard to push them back in.
She remembered what he was talking about but didn’t know at that time that there was anybody paying attention to them. She tried talking but couldn’t, she just wanted to tell him that it wasn’t her wish to get his brother killed, she was just following instruction. He noticed she tried to speak, he pulled the tape off her mouth roughly she winced.
“Bruce I can’t bring your brother from the dead and it wasn’t my wish for me to kill him”
“Tell him that when you meet him, I guess he would understand better but I don’t understand the gibberish coming out from your mouth”,
“So all this was an act, even at the aquarium, I can’t believe this”
“Shut the hell up!” he thundered. He stepped closer holding the kitchen knife firmly. He pushed her head backward and pressed the knife on her neck. She didn’t flinch, she just stared at him with her lips folded, her eyes were cold and hardened she seemed to be ready for anything. “I see you are ready to die, but I won’t give it to you easily. You have to suffer every inch of the way”. He loosened her hands and placed one of the hand on the table, he lifted the knife and smiled, “let’s see how you handle pain”, he lifted the knife higher and was about to bring it down when something stopped him, a loud sound, he looked down and saw blood spilling out of his chest, he turned round with shock and pain written all over his face to see who it was, he saw an angry face, a face of her supposed brother, “you bastard, you ruined my moment”, the knife fell off his hand, he turned to face Crystal “you would pay for this someday” he fell with a heavy thud and took in his last breathe.
“Easton how did you find me?” Easton placed his gun on the table and untied her.
“From the moment I saw him at the club, I knew he was up to something. I watched him from them on; he seemed to carry on bitterness inside of him and wanted some sort of revenged. I looked into him further and discovered that he was a brother to one of your victims. I knew you were in danger and I followed his every step”. She let out a sigh of relief and touched her wrist, it hurt her a little. She looked at body of Bruce and kicked it so hard that her toes hurt.
“Scumbag!” Easton looked her and held her back from hitting a lifeless body.
“What good would it do? He won’t feel a thing. Come let’s go before this place starts crawling with black ants”. She refused to move but glared at body, she thought she saw his body go up and down, she looked closer and saw some little life left in him.
“Easton, give me your gun”
“For what?”
“I said give me your gun” she shouted. He lifted his hands in surrender and handed her the gun. She took it from him roughly and pointed the gun to the head of the body and shot it thrice. She smiled with satisfaction “go to hell and meet your stupid brother, at least you are together with him”. Easton took the gun away from her and pulled her away. She still turned back to make sure he was actually still and not moving.
As they approached Easton’s car she looked thoughtful, “what would happen to the body?”
“It would be taken care off, all your traces would be wiped out from the house and for his body, it won’t be found for a long time”. “Okay, that’s relieving. You always find your way around difficult situations”.
“ Yea I know.Don’t forget, you still have a job to do”
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Monday 1 February 2016

Lethal Bride - (Part 14)

She mouthed “oh my God”, he waved her and smiled showing all his dentition. This was the last person she expected to see. He walked briskly towards her.
“Hello Crystal, do you remember me?
“Who wouldn’t remember a jerk like you? Please I came here alone; I don’t want your dumb self following me about”. He wasn’t planning on letting her go easily, his mind was already made up and no drama she puts up would make him run away.
“My name is Bruce. I remember spinning you around in the club, you screamed and it wasn’t fun to you, but it was fun to me”, she glared at him “I am sorry for that anyway”
“Why were you following me? Can you just explain the reason why you can’t just leave my life the hell alone? I don’t like you, don’t you get it, can’t you see it for heaven’s sake”, she raised her voice so that people would hear her and in the process he would feel embarrassed and leave her alone”. He just stared at her “are you through?” she didn’t respond, she saw that his countenance didn’t show any sign of embarrassment. He clapped his hand “nice performance sweetie, now allow me to perform my own act”, he moved several inches away from her and talked on the top of his voice, some people stopped to look at him and wondered if he was insane, more people stopped as his voice got louder. He pointed to her as he talked; her expression was a mixture of shock and embarrassment.
“My heart beats for only one person, my soul longs for a hardened heart enclosed by metal walls. I have fallen head over heels in love with this pretty being standing opposite me. Her eyes are like crystals just like her name, her skin as smooth as velvet; her body shape is like an hour glass. Perfect and beautiful woman, what else can a man ask for? He got down on his knees and clasped his hands in form of a prayer, and faced the crowd that had surrounded them, “please plead with me, help me tell her that I need a chance, just a chance to show her how I genuinely care about her, if I don’t have her I would loose my mind and live a life of torture knowing that there is someone in this world that I really care about but can’t have”. By this time phones were already up and taking videos, he got up and walked slowly towards her, he knelt right in front her and held her hand, her throat went dry, she couldn’t move, her feet was stuck right where she was standing “please stop treating me like trash and hear my heart, look at me and see how genuinely I care about you, I won’t stop until you accept me and take me as I am. Lift me up to show your acceptance”. Crystal had no words in her mouth for the first time; she looked down at him and listened to every word that came out of his mouth. Then people around them started chanting “lift him up”, even little children. Bruce smiled up at her, “you hear them, lift me up”, she shut her eyes for few seconds, then opened them “alright, come up”, she pulled him up, his arms went around her quickly as he kissed her forehead. Everyone around applauded, he turned to look at them “a big thank you to all of you, you guys have helped to get my woman”, slowly the crowd dispersed, but few stayed behind to have the complete video. He pulled her away, he felt like a king as he held her hand. He looked at her and smiled broadly.
“So it’s official now”
“What’s official?”
“You are now my girlfriend and we have started dating”,
“And when did our relationship start?” he left her hand immediately, “oh, I see you want another performance. I don’t mind creating another scene here”.
“Please don’t, I can’t take another annoying and embarrassing performance”. He smiled and held her hand, “come, lets walk to my car, I know a place we could hang out and talk, I can’t wait to know my woman”. They got to his car; he opened the door for her and shut it immediately she got in. He drove for about half an hour, and then stopped in front of a building, it looked deserted, she turned to him “what kind of a place is this?, this environment looks awful and I cant see any being walking down this street, I am not going in there with you”. He ignored her and came out of the car and got to her door and opened it, she refused to come out. “Crystal don’t look at the outside, aren’t you inquisitive on what the inside would look like”, he stretched his hand towards her “trust me”, she looked at his eyes and placed her hand on his”.
Sure enough as they got in, her eyes met a well arranged house, he led her into the kitchen and pulled out a chair for her to sit down, he opened the fridge and brought out a bottle of wine, placed it in front of her, opened a cabinet and pulled down two wine glasses. She looked at the bottle of wine and noticed it had been opened before, he noticed her stare, he dropped the wine glasses on the table “if don’t like it, I would bring another one, I just love this wine so much, I had a glass before stepping out”, “oh, no, no. its fine, I would take it”. He poured the drink in both glasses, “here you go”, he handed one glass to her as he took the other and sat opposite her. She sipped her wine slowly.
“So errrm, how did you get the job at the club?”
“My brother got it for me. Well he is not a biological brother, but he’s like family to me”
“Oh! I see”. They talked for a while with him asking most of the questions.
“Why aren’t you taking your drink? He smiled, “that’s because I am so happy to have you, here and alone”. She liked the way he spoke, he had the perfect British accent, his hair was a sandy brown colour and was well combed and styled, his eyes were blue. He had a smooth handsomeness, was she already falling for him? She wondered. She kept sipping as he talked, but suddenly she started feeling dizziness, she looked at him and saw two of him sitting in front of her, everywhere was blurry, she felt weak. She looked at her cup and looked at him again; he didn’t move an inch even when she was showing signs of discomfort. “Bruce, you drugged me”, he smiled “and I would do that over and over again bitch or would I call you a murderer”, she looked confused “I don’t understand”, she tried getting up but fell back to the chair, “you killed my brother and this is a pay back”, “I don’t know who your ………..”, she passed out before she finished her statement.

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