Mathew was immediately admitted. His pulse was checked and was discovered to be really low; he was given some drugs and was given an IV. She stood by him and watched him; he looked really pale and sad. Her heart was torn to shreds looking at him in his state. She was grateful for the private room, that way she would not have to deal with unwanted peering eyes. Mathew turned to look at the woman he married; he saw her care and love for him. Flashes of him hitting her played in his mind. Tina sat next to him as tears found their way down her neck.
“I will be fine” he spoke and smiled weakly,
“I know you would” she smiled too, “we are in this together”. A knock interrupted them and the door opened the doctor came in. He checked Mathew’s pulse,
“its normal now. Errrrm Mrs. Mathew can I see you for a minute”
“sure” she said as she wiped her eyes. He took her out of the room and folded his hands. Right then she knew there was something heavy he wanted to tell her.
“what is it Doc?”
“your husband has a condition that I am familiar with. I have seen cases like this”
“Is there a chance for him?” her eyes were filled with terror
“Mrs. Mathew, you have to stand strong for him. Patients with this condition live for six months or less, it depends. Chemotherapy would also be done often to keep him alive. I’m sorry ma’am but make every moment count with your husband and please don’t tell him what I have told you, I need him to be stable”. Everywhere seemed to be swirling around her, she couldn’t breathe, her head felt heavy and light at the same time, her legs suddenly became weak. She fell with a heavy thud.
When she opened her eyes slowly and grimaced when the light hit her eyes, she shut them quickly and opened them with more caution. Slowly her eyes got accustomed to her environment. She saw the faces of two nurses and the doctor that broke the terrible news to her. She got up suddenly,
“where is my husband?”. The nurses retrained her, “ma’am you need to rest”,
“how can I rest when my husband is about to die”
“he is not going die” one nurse tried to reassure her,
“no, please take me to him, please”. The doctor took over and held her hands firmly,
“look ma’am, you have to stay calm, if your husband sees you like this, you would kill him faster, stay calm, we would do our best to keep him longer for you, we promise. Please don’t go to him like this. Everything would be fine”
“I don’t want to loose my husband” fresh tears streamed from her eyes. Eventually the doctor was able to calm her nerves. He advised her to behave normally in her husband’s presence and inform his family about his condition. It took an hour for her to regain her composure.
She got back to where her husband was and found him lying down still with a troubled face on.
“where have you been?” he asked
“I went to get some air”
“for over an hour”
“didn’t know the time flew so fast”. He noticed a gloom on her face she was trying to shield away from him,
“Tina what’s the problem”
“I know you Tina, you look troubled”
“I am fine” she tried to smile
“no you are not. You are worried I would soon die”
“shhhhh, don’t say that, its not going to happen to you” she got closer and touched his face. He took her hand off his face and held it tightly,
“Tina, I am not stupid, I know I have a limited time”
“who told you that?”
“ I read about it online. Its hard for me Tina, I am scared” his eyes glowed with tears, “knowing you could die at any time is scary Tina”. She broke again to see Mathew cry. This was the first time she really saw tears in his eyes. She tried to stop the tears from falling down, so they found another route. Tears came down through her nostrils really fast.
“we would fight through this together Mathew”, he laced his fingers through her fingers and squeezed it a little.
“promise me you would stand by me to the end, promise me you would be there until I draw my last breathe”
“don’t talk like that Mathew, we would see many years together”
“don’t make it seem so nice”
“have a positive attitude Mathew”. He sighed and turned his face to the wall.
“I need to be alone”. She understood how he felt and left the room.
Tina decided to go home to her kids; they had been home alone for a long while. Reaching home she saw Mia and Williams watching television in the living room. Immediately they saw her they welcomed her simultaneously.
Mummy, where have you been, Mia asked
“hospital” Williams answered her, Mia ignored him, “mommy where is daddy?”
“he is in the hospital” Tina responded and yawned
“what is wrong?” Mia persisted
“he has been admitted and might not be coming home today”. Sadness played around her face. “is he going to be okay?”. Tina drew Mia to her bosom and ran her fingers through her hair.
“daddy would be just fine”. She looked at Williams who didn’t budge, his eyes were glued to the Television and laughing at the comic characters he was watching.
“Williams aren’t you bothered that your father is in the hospital”, he turned slowly to see the weary face of his mother,
“I am, it’s just that the movie is funny that’s why I am laughing”
“I see. Williams stand up and go to your room this minute”, he reluctantly stood up, he grumbled as he walked towards his room. Tina was disgusted at his attitude and marveled at his lack of sympathy for his father.
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