Tuesday 23 August 2016


Tina started getting worried about being pregnant. She wanted a baby for Mark. A year had already gone and there was no sign of pregnancy symptoms. She got mood swings. Mark understood why she behaved the way she did.
“why are you moody?” he would ask
“I just don’t feel good”
“that’s a lie”
“I just want your baby”. He laughed long and hard, she would stare at him and wonder if what came out of her mouth was funny.
“my love, this is just a year gone and you are already disturbing yourself about having a baby, I have children already, I don’t care if you get pregnant or not, all that matters is that you are my wife and I love you so much”. She got so emotional that tears came trickled down her face, she hugged him so tight.
“thank you for loving me this much”
“its my duty”.
Time flew so fast, Mia grew beautifully just like her mother and everyday the features of Mathew became glaring on Williams. Williams liked Mark for two things, he got what he needed from him as a father and most importantly he didn’t hit his mother. He watched how Mark treated his mother with tenderness and respect. “I will treat my future wife like this” he thought secretly.
Mark sat in the living room watching soccer with a rapt attention. Williams stood behind him not knowing whether it’s a good time to talk to him. Mark felt someone was behind him and turned around to see Williams looking nervous.
“Williams what is it?”
“nothing dad”
“yes dad”
“tell me what the problem is”
“can I watch soccer with you?”
“of course, you don’t need to ask”. Williams sat next to him and Mark continued watching his favourite game. Williams watched Mark with the corner of his eye and felt terrible about his past behavior towards him. Soon soccer was over and Mark turned to Williams.
“now tell me what the problem is”
“I just wanted to apologize”
“for the way I behaved towards you in the past”
“I thought you apologized before now”
“I did, but I was coerced to”
“look I don’t hold anything against you, you are my son and that would not change okay”
“good. You know what?”
“lets hang out this evening, father and son”
“what do you think?”
“I’m in”
“get ready”
“where are we going to?”
“I have no idea”. That evening went out for a long ride leaving Mia and Tina at home. Mark loved the look on Williams face.
“finally I have won him over” he thought. Williams never had this with Mathew. He didn’t like the sight of his father, the reason he and Mia were always locked up in their rooms. He looked at the man he once despised and adored him. They finally stopped at a supermarket. Mark got into the supermarket and came out with two bottles of diet coke and a box of cookies. They ate and talked for a while before heading towards home.
Where have you guys been?” Tina asked as they entered the house
“no girls allowed” Mark smiled and kissed her forehead
“oh so you left Mia and I at home to have fun”
“yea, any problem”
“no problem at all” she replied with a sarcastic tone, “our turn is coming and its going to be bloody”
“bring it on girl, the boys always win”. They all laughed. She drew Williams to herself and kissed his cheek.
“you are almost my height Williams” she gasped, “I didn’t notice how grown you have become. Hope you had fun?”
“yes I did mom”
“alright, I don’t think you would want to eat dinner again, or would you?”
“nope, I’m full”
“leave me and daddy alone, goodnight dear”
“goodnight mom”. Finally they were left alone.
“I missed you today darling” she said as she place her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around him.
“I miss you too my love” he said returning her embrace, “come lets sit down” he led her to one of the sofas, she held on to him as her life depended on it.
“tell me about your day, how did you spend it? Don’t leave any scene out, let me be your diary this night”. She smiled
“you are always my diary, you want to know about my day almost every night”
“errrr, that’s because I love you”
“I love you too hun. Okay my day. I woke up”
“please skip that part”
“I thought you wanted to know about everything that happened” she frowned.
“sorry ma’am, go on”
“I woke up, gave my husband a good morning kiss, got into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I went to the kitchen to fix breakfast, after breakfast, I took my bath, dressed up and gave my husband and another kiss, he told me he wasn’t going to work today, so he was going to help with the little chores at home. I got to work and had so many people trooping in, I had one hilarious woman come, she kept complaining about not having money to pay that I am too expensive, she kept complaining and when we were through with her, she still paid with a so much frown on her face. Today was really hectic at my work place. Then I got back home in the evening to see my wonderful family and my darling husband was watching soccer, I got the room changed into a casual dress and got down stairs to meet him, but he disappeared with my son, Mia told me they went out together. So I made little dinner, we ate. Mia fell asleep and I stayed in the living room waiting for the men in my life to come home, finally they came and I am with my husband now with my head rest on his chest and telling him about my day”
“your tale just made sleep to attack my eyes”
“so my tale was boring”
“nah, it wasn’t. I really feel sleepy”
“just fight the sleep a little while and talk with me”
“yes my commander in chief”
“so tell me about your experience with Williams this evening”. He fought the sleep as he explained how Williams came to apologize about his past behaviour, how they ended up taking a long ride round town and stopping at her super market, bought coke and cookies and finally got back home.
“that’s all?” expecting to hear more
“yes, that’s all”
“really? I’m happy he is blending in now”
“yea me too. Can I sleep now?”
“yes sir you can. Lets go to the room”. As soon as they got to the room Mark fell on the bed and was soon asleep. She stood looking at his figure on the bed.
“he always looks so cute while sleeping” she thought and smiled. She looked at his lips, “so perfectly carved” she wanted to kiss him but that would wake him up, so she stood and watched him sleep for a while, before lying down next to him and placed her head on his chest. Soon her eyes started flickering; sleep was knocking at the door of her eyes. She slept off with his name on her lips.
He woke up in the middle of the night to see that almost all her weight was on him. His left arm was already numb.
“hey, wake up” he tapped her gently. She opened her eyes slowly.
“what is it?”
“can you get off for a while”
“nooooo” she protested, “I like sleeping this way”
“okay, at least let me take off my left hand from under your weight, its numb already”. She got up quickly and helped him to massage the arm a little.
“how does it feel now?”
“it feels like so many insects are crawling in my arm”
“I’m so sorry”
“it’s okay”. She kept on massaging until he felt some ease.
“okay come back and lie on me”. She laid but was extra careful his hands were totally out of the way. They fell asleep again chest to chest.
Everything she did with Mark was the way she had wanted to have a life with the man of her dreams when she was still a girl, a man that would love and cherish her. She tried it once but the man ended up making her his punching bag.
The dawn of the next day arrived really quickly. She wished the night was longer. She wanted a longer time with her husband, but he had an office to go to and she had a beauty spa to go to. She looked at her sleeping husband and tapped him on his left shoulder.
“honey wake up”. He groaned and opened his eyes,
“what is it?
“its time to stand up, your work calls”
“I really don’t feel like going anywhere”
“you have to”
“let me sleep for thirty more minutes” he pleaded
“aren’t you going to work?”
“I am”
“I just feel sleepy don’t know why”. She kept on urging him to wake up until he finally gave in and got up to start the day.
..........Thank you for taking your time to read, please like, tag friends, comment and share. #BarbraAustin.

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