Sunday 29 November 2015

Tears (Part 16)

Matilda took her there. She dressed casual. She received stares from both the males and females. She ignored their eyes and followed Matilda closely.
They both got into the room. Matilda opened the closet and took out a blue outfit for her.
The door opened. A girl came in dressed in a shimmering green dress. She wore her hair down.
"Tracy. I need you to do your thing on her face",
Lana looked at Tracy and noticed a tattoo on her left arm. It was a woman's face. Matilda left.
"Please sit"
Lana sat without uttering a word. Tracy's eyes drifted to the bed and noticed the blue dress. "Uhmmmm!, change into your dress, before I make your face up". Lana obeyed. She took off her clothes and stepped into the skimpy blue dress. Tracy looked at her body with some sort of jealousy. Slender yet curvy. Lana moved to sit again. Tracy began to bring out the cosmetic from a drawer. "What's that picture on your arm" she finally found her voice,
"My mom"
She remembered her own mom. She wished she had a tattoo of her on her arm or back, but quickly changed her mind. Getting a tattoo of her mom would continuously remind her of the excruciating pain she passed through at the tender age of Eleven.
Tracy noticed her absent mindedness. "Hey, come back". She got out of her thoughts and sat still as Tracy did her job on her face.
She stared at her face in the mirror. She loved what she saw. Her face looked flawless. A smile escaped her lips. The expression on Tracy's face was a proud one. She loved making girls up. The door opened, Matilda came in.
"Are you ready?"
"Yea, she is", Tracy responded.
"Thanks Tracy"
"It's my job". She left.
"You look beautiful. Relax it's not a difficult task, just obey" Matilda assured her and left. Lana sat on the bed, she looked at her hands, they trembled. She stood up and paced.
The door opened. A man in his thirties appeared.
"Hello Gorgeous"
"Good evening"
He didn't expect that response from her. Most girls responded with 'hello handsome', some would say 'hello sugar'. But she was so formal and looked tensed. He ignored the formality and started undressing. She looked at him not knowing what to do.
"Won't you help me undress?"
She shook her head
"Nothing. Undress yourself"
He was left in his draws. He moved towards her. She moved back. Suddenly the memory of Stark clouded her head. He thought it was all part of how she wanted to please him. He moved swiftly, grabbed her shoulders and pushed her. She fell on the bed. He didn't waste anytime taking off her clothes. She laid still. She was left with her underwear. Her eyes closed and prepared. She felt his fingers around the waist line of her underwear. He was already pulling it down slowly when her eyes flicked open. She felt fear. A fear that gripped her at eleven. "STOP", she screamed, he was taken aback. He couldn't understand her behaviour. "I said stop", she repeated.
"What's your problem? "
"Get out!"
"For real?"
She frowned and pushed him with the strength she could muster. He fell to the floor dazed. She tried to wear her dress, when he pounced on her, with the intention to force himself. "Help", she screamed so loud. He got more aggressive. As she screamed she scanned the room for a sharp object to use on him, but didn't seem to find any. She continued to scream. Before long the door was pushed open, she saw heads, eyes peering in, she saw lips smiling, some laughing and giggling. He got embarrassed and left her. He started putting on his clothes.
"What's going on here,?" Matilda's voice was heard, quickly the girls dispersed.
"Lana what was that scream all about?"
Matilda looked at the shocked client dressing hurriedly and ashamed.
"What's the problem sir?"
"She is the problem, and this is the last time I am coming here"
Matilda tried to make him stay, promising to get another girl for him. But all her watery words fell into a basket. He left.
She glared at Lana. Lana ignored the long and hard stare.
"What do you think you have done?, just your first day and you have driven a client", her voice was high pitched.
"He reminded me of uncle Stark"
"Oh! So now you are telling me that each person that comes would remind you of Stark"
Lana shook her head
"So what are you saying? "
"I was scared"
"Lana, this should be the first and last time this should occur, this is bad for business. Grow up! Someone else will come. Behave!"
Lana nodded
Matilda left in a mild rage, shutting the door firmly behind her.
Thirty minutes later, the door opened again. This time a younger looking man in his late twenties came in. Lana looked at him. She got up, took off her dress and laid on the bed. He was not a bit impressed. He walked towards the bed and pulled her up. "Hey, I don't start like that, i'm more of the romantic one", he gave her a one sided smile. His arms went around her, pulled her gently towards himself. Touched her face lightly, then moved his fingers slowly to her lips. He drummed on them lightly before placing his lips on hers. He drew in her lower lip then released. Traced her jawline to her neck lightly with his mouth. She began to feel sensations in her body she never felt before. She didn't understand it. The tension she felt eased off gradually.
He pushed her to the bed and undressed. For the first time she felt a little comfortable. She remembered the condoms. She got up!.
"Where are you going to?"
His voice already husky.
He pulled her back gently,
"No my dear, I don't like condoms, I prefer bareback". She didn't actually know what bareback meant, but she understood he preferred it without condoms. She forgot about the condoms and laid back. She bit her lower lip as he took away what was left of her innocence.
When he was done, he looked at her, "what's your name?"
"Beautiful and inexperienced". He took out some note bills from his pocket and threw it beside her. She looked at it, "for?"
He laughed "the job, plus you are really pretty", he dressed and went out. She carefully put the money into the drawer. Between thighs ached so much. She was tired and almost drifted to sleep when the door opened again. She looked at the door and saw a man standing with his belt already unbuckled. "I'm tired, go away"
"No, no, not tonight princess". He pounced on her like a hungry lion. He reeked of alcohol and cigarette, everything about him was repulsive. When he had finished, he stood up clumsily and threw note bills on her, then walked out. The whole of her body ached. She stood up and painfully picked up the bills that fell to the floor, took the ones on the bed and shoved them into the drawer. She collapsed on the bed and slept off
She felt a tap on her arm. "I'm tired, no more for tonight". The tap still persisted. She opened her eyes to see Matilda's face.
"It's you"
"Yes, it's me, I see you did a good job today", she held the notes in her hand " I found them in the drawer, I will take my share and drop what's left for you". Matilda took hers' and drooped the rest. "Now rest well, you did great". Lana was too weak to respond as soon as Matilda left. She fell back to sleep.
By 5a:m, a slight tug on her arm woke her up. "Come let's go home, we will be back later". She got up sleepy, looked for normal clothes, changed into them and followed Matilda out. As soon as they got home. Lana went to her room and slept off again.
The door bell rings, nobody answers, then continuous knocking. Stark shot up from his sleep and walked briskly to see who was at the door. He got there to see Kelvin. "Kel, why are you out so early?", Kelvin raised an eyebrow, "early you say!, this is 10a:m bro",
"Oh Mehnnn!, I must have slept like a log then. Come in". Kelvin got in and slumped on a couch. Stark noticed this, " you must be really tired", "my job can be really tiring",
"I see. Can I get you anything"
"Uhmmm, just water will do"
"Okay!, water it is!"
Stark got to the kitchen to get what Kelvin requested.
Kelvin saw a female figure coming down sluggishly. He paid more attention to her. She reminded him of a woman that attended his thirtieth birthday party five years ago. She got down and walked into where Stark was. Stark came with a table water and a glass cup.
"I don't need the cup, I will drink straight from the bottle"
"Alright", he hands over the bottle to Kelvin.
"Stark, you know I come here once in a while"
"I have never noticed that girl the way I did now, you told me she is related to you but you never told me who are parents are",
"Hmmm, Kelvin don't tell me you are admiring her"
"No, i'm not. Common she's too young. She just reminds me of a woman that attended my birthday party 5years back.
Stark's heart quivered.
"Where's her mom?"
"She doesn't have a mom"
Just then Lana came out with a plate of breakfast and a bottle of water.
"Young lady come over here"
She stopped, then walked towards the living room. The more she came closer, the more he saw the woman who laughed and had a different aura around her in his party 5 years ago.
"Damn! You look like her!"
"Like who?, she looked confused.
Kelvin turned to Stark, "Luke brought a date to my birthday. That lady was really pretty, and this girl is her look alike."
Stark's heart was about to give way.
"I look like who sir?"
Lana persisted.
Kelvin turned to her, " a woman named Michelle".
After what seemed to be eternity, she was eager to leave the house and resume.
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Monday 23 November 2015

Tears (Part 15)

She grew into a beautiful sixteen year old. She had a femininity girls of her age didn't have. Slender yet Curvy. Her beauty grew along with her.
She pulled a drawer and took out a make up kit. She remembered the last time it was used. A memory of 5 years hit her. She pushed it out and started exploring each content.
The door to her room opened. She turned to see Matilda. She had a sunny smile on.
"Hello gorgeous"
"Good evening"
"Making up, suits you perfectly"
"Thank you".
Matilda got closer to her, she let one of her hand to fall gently on her left shoulder. "I want to tell you something". Lana's eyes shifted from the mirror to her face. Matilda sat on the bed to face her properly. She looked indecisive but went ahead anyway.
"You're grown now, and I want you to fend for yourself. You're old enough to take responsibility. I want you to work for me. You will be paid".
Deep down, Lana had an idea of what Matilda was talking about, she didn't care.
"When do I start?"
"I will take you there today, to see for yourself, then we will decide when you would start"
Matilda got up, looked at Lana “you are really pretty and attractive, you would do well", with that she walked away. Lana looked at her reflection in the mirror, she looked forward to getting paid.
8pm, she was already down, waiting. She wore a black jean, red fitted blouse, a black flat sole and a blue sling bag. Her hair was always packed into a bun.
Matilda met her waiting and was taken aback a little at her eagerness to see where she would start working. She pushed it aside, atleast she was going to get money from her, maybe even more than the rest of the girls she had.
"Let's go"
They got into her vehicle and drove for about half an hour. There was no conversation between them. They were both in thoughts. Matilda wondered what Lana's reaction would be, when she sees the job she would be introduced too. Lana on her part wondered how much she would be paid.
They finally arrived. Lana looked out of the window and saw 'BELLE'S HAVEN' written in front of a colourful building. She noticed it was away from residential areas. Outside was calm and quiet, but as they got in she heard chattering and soft music. She saw girls of different shapes and sizes, cladded in skimpy outfits. Some had cute legs, some had legs like footballers, some had a full chest, while some had slates. They all wore heels. She wondered on how they could walk in those kind of shoes. From every corner Matilda got greeting, she replied with a nod and a smile on her face. Almost all eyes gave Lana the stare. She ignored them and followed Matilda closely. The lights in the building blinked and each time it blinked a different colour comes out, only the lights in the corridor seemed to be steady.
They passed a roll of several doors, Lana guessed they were rooms. They got into what seemed to be an office. Matilda's picture hung on the wall.
"This is my office"
Lana looked round and wondered why she would have an office in a place like this.
"Matilda pulled a drawer and took out a single key, "come, let me show you something". Lana followed. They got to a door, Matilda inserted the key and turned. They got into a beautiful room, the bed wasn't big, it wasn't small either, it was just the right size. The bed sheet was silk red with matching pillow cases, the curtains were gold colour. Matilda opened wardrobe and beckoned on Lana.
"These are for what?"
"The clothes you would be wearing when you come here"
"They all look like underwears to me"
Matilda smiled,"they will make you more attractive"
"So what exactly would I be doing"
She just wanted Matilda to be clear and come out straight. "Well,you would keep a guy company here in this room, you would be paid for doing that".
Lana sighed, she took another look around the room, her eyes rested on a door. "What's that?"
"It's the bathroom, your bathroom".
Lana wasn't a little girl anymore, she knew what the whole business was all about, but she didn't care. The turbulence of 5 years ago iced her heart. Emotions and warmth left her heart. Deep down she still hated Stark, she disliked Matilda. She pulled open a drawer and saw a pack of condoms. She took it out, " would I need these also". Matilda nodded, "I'm sure you know what they are",
"I'm not a little girl anymore. So when do I start?"
"Anytime you're are ready"
The image of her mom came to her mind. She knew what her mother's reaction would be. She shoved it off!.
"Would I start today?"
"No, not today, maybe next week"
Matilda drove them back home. They met Stark in the sitting room, his eyes fixed on the TV. He greeted Matilda, she responded then turned to Lana, "I need to go back now, eat something", Lana nodded. Matilda left.
"Come to my front", she obeyed and stood in front of him.
"I see you're already introduced to the family business, it's a lucrative one, you know. Not so legal but then it is still patronised by people".
She kept mute and looked at him straight in the eye. The fear she had when she was younger, was no longer there. She was ready for anything. For the few years she had spent with them, he didn't touch her again, she wondered why. She sometimes imagined him coming to rape her again, this time she would hold a knife and stab him deep. But he never did.
"Can I go now"
"Yes you can"
She moved briskly to her room, took off her clothes, showered and laid to sleep. She was ready for anything life would throw at her. She had been through worse and that's losing her mother to the cold hands of death inspired by Stark.

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Friday 20 November 2015

Tears (Part 14)

Stark became uncomfortable, if kelvin starts suspecting anything unusual, he could go an extra length to find out. Kelvin was closer to Luke than Stark.
"Luke killed himself, didn't you see the pistol?",
"I did, but then, the killer would want to make it look like a suicide by placing the weapon in his hand",
Stark kept mute, he didn't want to sound so defensive.
"Stark, am leaving", Kelvin left.
He remained and stared at the grave. He imagined the look on Luke's face before he died.
He sighed and walked away. He got to his car, Matilda stood beside the car, Lana sat at the back seat, her hands folded. She kept a straight face. "What took you so long?" Matilda asked, "I was with Kelvin",
"Let's go". She got in as soon as he got behind the wheel. His thoughts were on Kelvin. Kelvin had so many top connections, he could go any length to sort out any confusion.
"What's the problem Stark, you look really solem", "i'm fine, just worried about Kelvin", "Kelvin is not a problem, he's still in shock".
As soon as they got home, Lana raced upstairs, she ignored Matilda's call, she kept screaming "I hate the both of you", she shut the door, sat on the floor and wept, life was so unfair, she needed to go away. Matilda kept Knocking, "let me come in", "go away, I don't want to see you, I hate you". She got tired of knocking, "suit yourself, when you become hungry, there would be food in the kitchen".
Stark ignored the commotion, he got to the kitchen and helped himself with lunch.
Lana began feeling pain around her waist, her lower abdomen hurt her. She felt liquid trickle between her thighs. She rushed into the bathroom to check herself. She raised her dress, pulled down her pant. She got scared and irritated , her pants had been soiled with red liquid. It wasn't new to her. Her mom had taught her about the menstrual cycle. She was having her first period.
A cramp seized her belly, she wanted to scream but held on. She heard the room door open, then a knock on the bathroom door. "Lana", Matilda called her name, "would you like to eat anything?",
"No i'm fine", Matilda picked a different tone in her voice. " are you alright". No response. She opened the door and saw Lana trying to clean herself up, she looked at the floor and saw her pant lying carelessly on the floor, she picked it up and saw the stain. "What happened?", Lana looked a bit embarrassed to be seen like that. "It's that time of the month", she replied. Matilda's eyes widened then she smiled.
"You are now a woman!".
Matilda helped her to clean up, got her pads and taught her how to use it. Matilda made sure she ate, she left Lana lying on the bed. As soon as Matilda left the room, Lana got up and walked towards the dressing mirror. She stared at her reflection, sighed, shut her eyes and opened them. She imagined her mom looking at her, she smiled "mom, am now a woman, but you're not here to see me become a woman", she stared deep into the mirror. She waved the thought of her mom and looked at her own reflection. She was definitely her mother's replica. Something in her became different, she felt different. The rape flashed through her mind, she became angry. Deep down she was never going to forgive Stark for everything, he took away the people she loved in a twinkle of an eye. Another cramp seized her, she got back to bed and went into a deep sleep.
A tap on her arm woke her up.
"Wake up Lana!", she groaned and opened her eyes reluctantly. Her eyes met with his eyes, she sat up quickly, she became afraid, "what are you doing here?", "I came to spend time with my baby", he got closer and touched her legs lightly. " I love your black dress",
"You bought it for me",
"Oh really!", he feigned surprise,
"What's underneath your dress?",
It was happening all over again, her heart raced fast.
"Uncle Stark, please leave me alone",
She slowly tried to get out the bed, he pushed her back.
"Get back!", his eyes had a dark desire. She trembled, her throat became dry. She couldn't cry, she kept pleading. He pinned her down, she saw a scissors in his right hand, he started tearing the dress, she struggled and screamed, "don't please", "MOM!", she screamed. He suddenly stopped, looked down at her, then looked behind him, he saw Michelle walking towards him with a knife, " leave my daughter alone, you beast",
"Mommy please don't go close to him", she ignored her daughter's plea, she kept going forward really angry, her eyes emitted vengeance.
The scissors in his hand changed to a gun, he pointed it towards Michelle, "Lana is mine and you are dead", he pulled the trigger, the sound was loud. She fell with a heavy thud, Lana ran towards her mom. "Mom, please don't go", Michelle looked at Lana and smiled " be strong Lana, you're now a woman", she slowly faded away. Lana sobbed, she looked towards where Luke was, but didn't see him, she saw Matilda her hands outstretched and smiling, "come let me take care of you",
"No!, you can never take my mother's place". Slowly Matilda metamorphosed to Mark an evil grin played on his face, "now that your whore mother is gone, you can now take over, i've nothing to do with whores", "I HATE YOU", she screamed. He disappeared. She felt a hand on her left shoulder, she turned to see Luke, "Lana, be strong!", he smiled, tears rolled down her face, "don't leave me too", he touched her face, "I 'm not here anymore", he disappeared too. She fell to the floor and sobbed. She opened her eyes and saw herself on the bed. She looked round the room and saw no one, she touched her face and felt tears, she wiped it off immediately. She got up and checked the door and made sure it was properly locked. She got back to bed. The dream felt so real, she touched her forehead it was hot, she had a side headache. Deep down she knew she had to stop whining like a baby, her mother wasn't coming back, neither was Luke. The thought of going back to her father frightened her. A part of her became hardened.
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Wednesday 18 November 2015

Tears (Part 13)

Stark glared at Lana. She was visibly shaken. "Get back to your room" He thundered, she hurried up the stairs afraid he might change his mind and give her the beating of her. She shut the door and fell on her bed and silently prayed for Luke.
Stark took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.
"I need Luke to kick the bucket, do it well, clean up your trail and I will pay you handsomely".
Luke got to his house, threw himself on his couch and thought of ways to destroy Stark. He looked at his watch, it was 8pm. He knew he had to do something fast, he knew he had to take Lana away from Stark. He closed his eyes, Michelle's face appeared. He stood up and paced, everything sounded like a dream. For the first time in a long time he actually fell in love and that love had been snatched away from him in a cruel manner. He picked up from the couch, he needed to call the police, he needed to call his lawyer, but first he wanted Kelvin to know. He dialed.
"Kel, I need to tell you something",
" what's wrong you sound really worried"
"Am fine, please come over",
"Okay, give me an hour",
"Alright ",
He ended the call, so many vengeful thoughts filled his head. A knock at the door distracted him.
"Who is it?". No answer
He got to the door, opened it, he saw a young boy, he looked 18. "Can I help you?”
"No" was the reply," get inside!” Luke looked at him amused, “who the heck do you think you are to talk to me in such a manner".
"Mister, he said get inside". Luke was startled and turned around to see who talked, he saw an older guy. “How did you get into my living room?”
"That's not important ". The younger guy pushed him in, got him and slammed the door shut.
"What do you want ", Luke didn't look a bit scared, “if it's money, I would give you". The older guy laughed, “no Mr. Luke, we don't need your money, we are going to be paid handsomely for this job".
"What job?" He became jittery,
"We want to send you to God, now sit!” He obeyed and sat down. He noticed the leather gloves they wore; he also observed they didn't bother to mask their faces. Deep down he knew they meant every word.
"Please, what have I done to deserve this",
" nothing at all, just that you don't mind your business", he pulled a pistol from his back pocket and got to the right side of Luke and pointed the gun to his head.
"Please, I would give you anything, please don't do this". His pleas were ignored, the younger guy looked on. The older guy pulled the trigger, it was swift and accurate, Luke's eyes shut immediately, his mouth hung open. Blood streamed from the side of his head. The older guy placed the gun in Luke's right palm, a smirk of satisfaction playing on his face. He dialed a number on his phone.
"It's done".
Two hours later. Stark got a call from kelvin. His voice sounded as though he had seen a ghost.
"Luke is dead!!, it's Suicide!",
"Oh god! When? How?” Stark feigned surprised.
"This night! Am right in his house, the police are here, come over Stark",
"Would be right there". He dropped the call and smiled to himself. He got dressed and drove down to Luke's place. When he got there he saw Kelvin's car, an ambulance and two police cars. He walked boldly into the house and saw Kelvin standing with his hand over his mouth, staring at the body of Luke.
"Oh god! I can't believe this “Stark said looking so distraught.
"I can't believe it too, what might have pushed him to do this".
A tear escaped Kelvin's eye.
He wiped it off quickly." we need to call his family and let them know". Luke's body was put into the ambulance. They both got into their cars and followed the ambulance to the mortuary.
Stark got home with a feeling of triumph. He dozed off immediately he laid on the bed. Few minutes into his sleep, a knock at his door woke him up. He got up, opened the door to see Lana standing.
"What is it?”
"Where is Uncle Luke"?
"He's with your mom. Now allow me to sleep",
"You killed him!",
"Young lady, I didn't",
"You did. You told him to rest in peace",
He laughed, "Lana, go to bed and let me be". He shut the door and headed straight to bed.
Deep down she knew something bad had happened to Luke, she knew she was never going to see him again. She thought about running away but remembered his threat. She got back to her room, laid on the bed and drew her teddy close to her, a present from Luke. She looked at the teddy and imagined Luke's face, "Take care of mommy". She couldn't cry again, she had cried so much, only her heart cried. She felt pain, everything had been snatched away from her. She didn't see hope. She was all alone.
A week later. On a Saturday. Stark knocked on her door and opened it "get ready, we have a funeral to attend”, he flung a black dress on the bed, “I bought this for you", she glanced at the dress and looked at him.
“My mommy was not buried",
"Don't worry hon, she has decayed into the ground, there's no need again, now get ready, I give an hour". Matilda came behind him, “let her be", he walked away. She got in and sat beside Lana, "princesses don’t worry, everything would be fine, just get ready". She nodded and got into the bathroom, Matilda helped her to dress up
They got to the cementary. Everyone wore black. Lana saw a woman weeping so much, she knew that would be the mother of Luke. She looked at the ladies and wondered if it was a funeral they came to or a fashion show. Most of them had dark glasses on.
As the coffin was lowered into the ground, Luke's mother became uncontrollable. Lana ignored all the drama and stepped forward towards the grave, bent a little and whispered, "take care of mommy". Matilda saw her and pulled her back, "what are you doing?".
After the grave had been covered, Stark walked towards Luke's family.
"I'm sorry for your loss, he was my very close friend, we will all miss him", he tried comforting the red eyed mother.
"He was a good child, I don't know why he decided to put us through this, I don't know why he killed himself", fresh tears poured. He held her, “He loved you a lot" and walked away to allow other people offer their condolences.
He saw Kelvin still staring at the closed grave, he walked up to him.
"I can't believe Luke is gone, it's just a mystery. There is some twist to this. He called me and said he wanted to tell me something",
"Tell you what?" Stark became agitated
"He just said I should come over, I told him to give me an hour. If only I had gone immediately, maybe he wouldn't have killed himself, but something deep down still lingers in me, it might not be suicide but murder!".
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Sunday 15 November 2015

Tears (Part 12)

"Hey man! How are you?", Luke responded.
"Am fine",
"What's wrong with Lana, she looks disturbed". Stark pulled Lana to himself, "don't mind her, she's just being naughty", he laughed. Lana wanted to pull away from his grip and tell Luke the whole truth, but his threat kept coming back to her mind, she feared for her life. She stayed mute and kept a face without expression.
"I just came to see Michelle, I’m going on a business trip and I won't be back for a while",
"Uhmmm! She's not in, she stepped out",
"When will she be back?, I can wait",
"No, no, don't wait, she would be put for a long time. Have you called her mobile",
"I've done that, but it's not responsive".
Stark looked at Lana, he saw her face and feared she might spill the secret. "Lana, go to your room", she obeyed.
Luke felt an uneasiness but didn't push to know what was actually happening. "I have to go now, guess I've to leave without seeing her. Just let her know I was here, I would keep calling her though",
"Alright, not a problem. I will make sure she knows you were here".
Luke looked at Stark intently, "are you alright, you don't sound like yourself, is everything okay?",
"Yea sure, am fine", Stark answered quickly.
"If you say so", he turned and left.
Stark sighed deeply, he wasn't breathing properly the whole time. He hurried back to the kitchen, he met Matilda standing, her hands folded. "I heard everything! How long would you keep up with this? Luke would definitely come back from that trip and would want to see Michelle, maybe that time you would tell him she travelled to the moon", she sounded pissed.
"I don't know what to do Mal. What do I do?”
"I don't know either, this is your mess, so fix it". She resumed cooking, "what are you cooking?” he asked,
"What's the time?",
"So you should know am making breakfast, not for you, but for Lana. At least let her eat something. She hasn't eaten anything".
"Okay, I guess I should leave you now",
"You should".
Lana laid on the bed, feeling trapped and alone. Her thoughts were on her mom. Two knocks at the door distracted her but she ignored it. The door opened, she didn't budge.
"Lana, it's me", she turned to see Matilda holding a tray of breakfast, she took her eyes off. Matilda got closer and placed the tray on the bed beside her.
"Lana, you don't have to be like this. Don't get me wrong I know how you feel, but I want you to forget all that has happened and face life, I will be there for you",
"You can't take my mom's place" she said with a blank face.
"I know I can't"
"And I don't want to go to school again",
"Why won't you?, you have to, as long as you are in my house"
"Is this your house?",
"Yes it is",
" I thought it was for uncle Stark, but where do you go to every evening?",
"Well I go to take care of my business. Anyway, eat your food i'm sure your are hungry",
"I'm not hungry". Matilda ignored her and went out of the room. By the time she came back, she saw Lana sleeping, the breakfast cleared. She picked up the tray, took a glance at Lana before shutting the door carefully.
2 weeks later, by 6:00pm, Luke came around. Lana was quick to come down to get the door, she knew who would be at the door. She opened it and her expectation was meant. Luke stood smiling, "hey princess, where's mommy", he asked.
"She's not here"
"Arrrghhh! Againnn!", just then Stark came out to see who Lana was talking to, when he saw Luke, he almost lost his breath.
"You're back!",
"Yea I am, where's Michelle",
"He killed her", she answered and quickly moved behind Luke for protection.
"What are you talking about Lana?, who killed who?". She pointed at Stark, " He killed my Momma and threw her away somewhere".
Luke shoved his hands into his pockets and turned to Stark, "are you sure she's alright". "She is", Stark responded trying to maintain a calm composure. Lana tugged at the back of Luke's shirt,"uncle Luke, believe me, he used his gun to kill her, he raped me too. Take me away with you please", she pleaded.
"Hold on!, hold on!, what's going on here?", he started seeing some sense in Lana's words.
"2 weeks ago, I was here, you told me Michelle stepped out, now am back, she's not around again, Stark is this some form of joke or what, if it is, it's really expensive, stop it!",
Stark couldn't respond, his mouth suddenly went dry, one hand in his pocket, the other on his head. He didn't know what to say, all the lies he had cooked up in his brain vanished. "Look!, it all happened quickly, I didn't mean to kill her, and the rape i......i.....i... was kinda high",
"This is some kind of prank right! Okay fine, you got me! Please tell where Michelle is and stop this joke, it's not funny anymore",
"She's not here",
"Then where is she?",
"She might have decayed by now",
"WHAT!!!", Luke's eyes widened " you killed Michelle for real",
"I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking straight. She was going to drag me to jail",
"You killed Michelle!!!" his voice became loud and angry. He moved closer to Stark, held his neck with both hands using all the strength he could muster. "You killed the one woman I love, you rape her daughter, and you don't sound remorseful, what are you if not the Devil himself",
"Luke you are hurting me", he tried to pull Luke's hands from his throat,
"I will hurt you more Stark". He released him and that left him coughing and gasping for air for some time. Luke reached out for Lana's hand " i'm taking her with me and I will make sure the police and everyone hears about this, I will not keep quiet",
"Don't push me Luke, that's what Michelle did, now she's dead",
"I am not scared of you Stark"
"You should be"
Stark yanked Lana's hand from Luke's hand." you are going no where with her".
Luke folded his hand into a fist, he took Stark by surprise as the blow landed on his nose, he fell to the floor, he touched his nose. It was bleeding.
"I won't take the law into my hands, would leave the law to take care of you accordingly. When i'm back this house would come down", Luke spoke with anger and firmness, his eyes were watery.
"I hope you live to see it come down" stark scoffed,
"I will Stark, I will", he looked at Lana, "am coming to get you soon", she nodded fearfully. He turned to go.
"Rest In Peace Luke!",
"No, it's Rest In Prison Stark!".

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Friday 13 November 2015

Tears (Part 11)

Lana looked at her mom lying lifeless on the floor. Blood spilled out from the back of her head, her head hit a glass stool lying carelessly on the floor. The side of her stomach was also bleeding from the bullet that hit her. Lana moved closer and rested her head on her mom's chest. "Mommy please wake up, please mommy, am scared, I don't want to stay here alone. Mommy wake up please." she cried so much.
Stark stood there, shaky and looking at the gun in his hand. He ran upstairs, came back with a grey bedsheet. He pushed Lana off the body. She struggled with him, “you’ve killed my mother", a slap sent her back to the floor. " you are lucky I didn't kill you too". He wrapped the body with the sheet and carried it on his shoulder. He pointed the gun at Lana, " follow me", she obeyed. He got to his car, opened the trunck and threw the body in. "Don't put my mom there" she sobbed, he ignored her and went to close the door of the house. He got back, " get in",
"Where are we going to?"
"I said get in" He spoke firmly. Scared of another stinging slap she got into the car and shut the door. He got behind the wheels, his hands shaky. He started the car and zoomed off.
For about 20 minutes he kept driving. His eyes fixed on the road. He ignored her sobs."Why did you kill mommy", she asked amidst her tears, " will you shut up! And let me concentrate". She kept mute but still sobbed.
Suddenly he stopped. He screened the environment before stepping out of the car. The route was usually  used by few people. He got to the back of the car, opened the trunck and searched for his flashlight he found it and flicked it on, then pulled out the body and slung it over his shoulder. He slammed the trunck shut.
"Come with me Lana!".
She opened the door and followed, her arms wrapped around herself, the evening breeze was chilly. So many questions were going through her head but she dare to ask any.
They went further and further, all she could see were trees and bushes. She heard sounds from different directions, she got scared and tried to keep up with Stark's pace.
He stopped and looked round to see if there was a sign of anyone, he flung the body to the ground and turned to go, she got closer to the body of her mom. " Lana let's go damn it!" she turned to him tearfully " I want to tell mommy goodbye",
"What's the point! She won't hear you"
"She will, I know she will",
"Okay, go ahead, let me do some good today".
She knelt down beside her mother,"mom, I don't know if you can hear me. I'm scared and I need you, i'm alone now, daddy doesn't like me, you are the only one that loves me, please come back mommy, I don't want to be alone, wake up please", tears trickled down her face as she spoke, she looked at the body and expected some sort of miracle, but nothing happened, everything was quiet. She decided to lie next to the body.
"What the heck are you doing?"
"I'm waiting for her to wake up",
"She won't, she's gone forever, now stand up and let's go",
"No, am not going with you, I'm staying here with my mom",
He got impatient and dragged her up. "Please, let's not leave mommy alone, it's dark and she's the only one here, please". He ignored her plea and dragged her till they got to the car. He pushed her in, slammed the door,got behind the wheel and drove away madly. His heart raced fast.
She didn't stop crying, her eyes were already red and swollen from so much tears. Finally they got home. He got out of the car. She didn't budge. "Don't annoy me further, come out!". She got out reluctantly, her hands folded all she felt at that moment was hatred for him. Immediately they got in, he pulled her by her ears towards himself.
"Everything that happened here, don't tell anyone, if you do, I will kill you, if you run away, I will find you, do you hear me?" she nodded, " now go upstairs, clean up, sleep and forget about your mom, she's not coming back. It's her fault she's dead". She turned to go, her joy had left her, her laughter had gone, her childhood had been taken away from her, her head bowed as she walked towards her room.
He got into his own room, pulled out the gun from his pocket, threw it into an open drawer, got into his bathroom picked a little blue towel, got down stairs to the kitchen, filled a bowl with water. He got to the sitting room, to the spot where Michelle fell. He stood for a minute, her pleading face flashed through his mind eyes, he still heard her voice pleading. He shoved the thoughts off, got down on his knees and cleaned the stains of blood carefully. When he had finished, he flushed the bloody water down the kitchen sink,washed the bowl and kept it in it's position. He got upstairs to his room and entered his bathroom, he dumped the towel in his laundry basket. He looked into the mirror but didn't see his own reflection, he saw her pleading face again, he moved back and closed his eyes for many seconds, when he opened his eyes, his own reflection showed. He sighed, reached into his pocket and brought out a little bottle, poured all the powdery substance into his left palm and sniffed in everything, he coughed so much as he staggered to his gigantic bed and slept off, snoring loudly.
Lana sat on the bed, no tears came down again, but her heart still cried. She laid down and slept off. She woke up suddenly when she heard a knock at the door, she looked at the clock, it was 2:30am, she got scared. The knock persisted but she ignored it.
"Lana it's me", she recognised her mother's voice, she jumped out of bed, rushed to the door and opened it, she saw her mom holding her bleeding side, her clothes all bloody and dirty. "MOM", she was shocked to see her. "Mom! I thought you died" she reached out for her mother's free hand and tried to pull her in, Michelle smiled painfully "Lana, run away," her hand slowly slipped from Lana's hands, Lana tried to tighten her grip "Mommy please don't leave me", she slowly faded, Lana started seeing through her, "Lana, please run", she disappeared. "Mommy don't go" she screamed.
Her eyes opened, she looked round, there was no sign of her mother, she looked towards the door and didn't hear any knock. She realised it had been a dream, fresh tears came down. She felt empty, a huge void had been created. She cried till she slept off again.
8a:m, she woke up famished and thirsty, she got downstairs to the kitchen, but stopped when she heard Stark's voice, she listened carefully again and heard Matilda's voice.
"You shouldn't have killed her, it will raise questions especially Luke, what were you thinking?" she sounded angry,
"I was scared, I didn't know what else to do, everything in my head then was to kill her. She was going to put us into trouble".
Matilda gave a dry laugh,
"Us!, no, no, no!, I didn't rape Lana, neither did I kill Michelle, what you've have done is on you, there is no 'us' ",
"If I didn't my drug deals would be exposed and my link to you and your business would be exposed too, so you see I did us a favour by killing her", he sounded defensive.
Lana couldn't believe what she heard. She could barely breath. A knock at the door distracted her, Stark and Matilda seemed not to hear they continued arguing. She rushed to the door, opened it and saw Luke.
"What is wrong Lana?",
"Uncle Luke, I want to leave",
He laughed, "Why do you want to leave",
"Please take me away with you", he raised an eyebrow.
"Heyyyy Luke! You're here", she froze when she heard Stark's voice behind her, she didn't dare to turn back.

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