Thursday 19 May 2016



“Mathew, wait! How do you expect me to reduce the pepper of the food that has already been cooked, for Christ sake why can’t you be considerate? Everything rushed from her mouth rapidly before she could hold back. His severe glare cut right through her heart, she was ready to defend herself if he came to hit her, but he just sat glaring hard at her.
“you are lucky today” he pointed the spoon towards her as he talked, “I’m not in a foul mood, if not what I would have done to that mouth of yours, you would not be able to speak for weeks, now leave my sight before I change my mind”. Tina shook her head, “Mathew you need help fast”
“it’s you who needs the help”, he retorted. She ignored him and left for the room. She needed to ease her head, it felt really heavy, most times the atmosphere in the house was always tensed due to Mathew’s constant outburst. She changed her clothes into something simple then stretched on the bed. She started reminiscing on all the guys she could have married. She was a very picky one then, everything about her dream man must be perfect. She always found faults in all the guys that came to her. Mathew was an exceptional one, he just swept her off her feet effortlessly, he changed her world with a single spin, his smile, gentleness and kindness took her away, his charm and his calmness stole her from every guy who came around. Deep within her she thought she would have the most beautiful marriage any girl would dream off. Slowly his colours changed and he showed her his true self. She kept thinking and didn’t hear Mathew come in.
“hey, what are you thinking about?” he asked coldly, she turned slowly towards him, “Mathew you are draining me and soon I will get tired and leave, I am human not a machine”. He felt as if there was a load on his head suddenly he became scared. He got closer to the bed and sat down.
“what do you mean by get tired and leave”
“I am not speaking French. Mathew you treat me like dirt, what happened to the sweet Mathew I once knew? What happened to the warmness between us? I would be lying if I tell you I am not draining”. For some reason his throat went dry,
“I don’t understand what you are talking about; I am still the guy you married”
“no you are not. You have totally changed Mathew”. She drifted to sleep. He watched her sleep for a while before slipping beside her. He was always scared if she talked about leaving him. He needed do something fast so she could change her mind. He kept thinking, his apology notes had gone stale, his sweet words were already bouncing back to him, he needed something different. He shot his eyes with the plan cooking up in his brain.
He woke up to see her side of the bed empty, he yawned and stretched noisily before getting up. He could hear her in the kitchen. He yawned once more before going to meet her.
“what are you doing?”
“don’t bother”. She turned to look at him
“I don’t understand”
“lets go out for dinner today with the children. She was obviously shocked, she couldn’t hide it, “this has never happened Mathew”.
“well there is always a first time in everything” he shrugged.
“are you serious Mathew?’
“yes I am”.  She stopped what she was doing and got to the rooms of her children and told them about the dinner plans, first they thought she was joking until she convinced them that it was true. At thirteen Williams knew it was another ploy of his father to calm his mother down and stop her from taking any rash decision.
“mom, I don’t want to go anywhere”
“you have to, otherwise you would make your father angry, now get dressed”
They all got ready and were on their way to the restaurant their dad picked. There was a loud silence in the car, Mia kept her eyes on her fingers, Williams had a frown on his face as he looked out the window. Tina kept her eyes on the road. There was a thick air in the car.
“okay, are we going to a funeral? Why is there gloom in the car?”. They turned simultaneously to look at him but nobody said anything.
“am I not talking to living beings?”
“honey, this is the first time we are going out as a family to have dinner” she tried to clear the air.
“there is supposed to be excitement and not gloom in the car” he turned back for a second and looked at Williams and Mia, there was no form of excitement on their faces. He focused on the road again.
“aren’t you happy that we are going out  together for the first time”
“we are” Williams answered.
“Mia, why are you mute?, aren’t you happy?”
“I am dad”
“then show it and stop looking like cemetery keepers”. All his words didn’t change anything, instead it created more gloom.
They got to the restaurant and they all came down from the car reluctantly. Tina was scared that Mathew might get into his usual outburst, so she had to be careful what she says and how she says it. They all sat at a table and a waiter was already standing next to them. He looked too well built for the kind of job he was doing, his muscles were firm and stood out, he looked like a tower.
“what would you like to eat, we have so many mouth watering dishes, look at the menu in front of you”, he pointed to the menu in front of each of them.  Each of them picked up the menu and started going through it.
“Aha! I have seen what we would like” Mathew said with excitement. He showed the waiter what he was talking about. Tina looked at him with a confused look on their faces.
“okay sir, but what about the lady and the children”, the waiter turned to them, “what would you like”,
“the same thing I choose” Mathew said.
“very well then, in ten minutes you would be served” and the waiter left.
“Mathew what do you mean we”
“what is it?”
“you didn’t let me or the children choose want we wanted to eat”
“Don’t worry what I chose would be perfect for all us”. Tina shook her head. Williams and Mia were not happy at all, they wanted something different but they had no choice but eat want he picked for them. The waiter came back assisted by another female waiter and served them the food. They ate in silence. Mathew wanted to start up a conversation but Tina and the children were not responsive enough, so he kept quiet and they continued eating in silence.
A familiar lady walked into the restaurant dressed in a blue Barbie like gown. It was one of his colleagues at the office. She sighted them and waved then walked towards them.
“Mr. Mathew, how are you?”. He seemed to be very excited when he saw her.
“I am fine Miss Trisha”. Trisha ordered for what she wanted and greeted the wife and the children. Her food was brought but she wasn’t seated yet.
“can I join you guys?” she asked the wife
“sure you can”.
“thank you”. Trisha pulled the chair and sat down with them. Mathew started a conversation with Trisha and totally forgot his family was there. Tina and her children just kept looking at them. When she couldn’t take it anymore she got up
“Mathew I would be in the car with the kids”. He was already hinted by her anger. “okay, I will join you soon”. Williams and Mia followed their mother leaving their father with the strange lady. He joined them in the car after few minutes.
“Tina sorry about that, I got carried away”
“don’t worry about it, its fine, lets just go home”.

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